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Older Guiding Light Polls

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by Elizabeth

ran from 7/10/07 to 9/19/07

What do you think about Josh becoming ordained as a minister?
It's a bad idea.
I like this change.
I'm not sure yet.
I just wish Josh would move away from Springfield.

What do you think about Reva's relationship with Jeffery?
It's a bad idea.
I think they make a good couple.
I hate them both.
Reva belongs with Josh.
Jeffery belongs with someone else.
Uh...gross. Jeffery and Marah were once a thing. That's nasty!
I haven't decided yet.

Do you think Gus and Harley will make it through their troubles with Daisy and Rafe without either cheating on the other?
No, Harley will cheat on Gus.
No, Gus will get back together with Natalia.
No, they'll both cheat on one another.
Yes, they are a true power couple.

Ashlee and Ava both want Coop to themselves. Which lady do you want to win Coop's heart?

Does Alan need to know that he is the biological father of Beth's baby?
I'm not sure.
I don't care.

Which couple are you pulling for most?
Gus and Harley
Dinah and Mallet
Buzz and Olivia
Jeffrey and Olivia
Cassie and Josh
Josh and Reva
Alan and Doris
Alan and Beth
Rick and Mel
Rick and Beth
Coop and Ava
Ashlee and Coop
Coop and Lizzie
Remy and Marina
Matt and Vanessa
someone else

What should happen to Lizzie?
She should be as much of a trouble-maker as ever.
She should become a good girl.
She should chase after Coop again.
She should find new love.
She should leave town or die.
She should get her baby back.
I don't care.

Who is your favorite female character currently on the shows?


Should Ava's parents be a part of her life?
I don't care


Are Olivia and Buzz a good match?
I don't care.

ran from 2/21/06 to 12/14/06
Reva's Lovelife
Who should Reva be with?
Josh (31) 70%
Billy (8) 18%
Buzz (1) 2%
Alan (1) 2%
Someone else (3) 7%

Total Votes: 44


Marina, Alan Michael and Ava
Would you like to see a Marina/Alan-Michael/Ava love triangle?
Of course! (4) 12%
Eh, whatever! (1) 3%
No, Ava belongs with Coop. (9) 27%
Yes, and Marina should end up with him. (2) 6%
Yes, and AVa should end up with him. (4) 12%
No. (4) 12%
Love triangles on this show are getting boring. (2) 6%
Why is Alan-Michael into the younger women? (7) 21%

Total Votes: 33


Marcy Ryland - the new Lizzie Spaulding!
What do you think of the new Lizzie Spaulding recast?
Don't like her. (1) 4%
She's ok. (12) 43%
I want Crystal Hunt back! (9) 32%
I really don't care. (6) 21%

Total Votes: 28


Main Street, Springfield
Do you like the new "Main Street" set?
It's ok. (5) 36%
I hate it. (2) 14%
It looks cheesy. (2) 14%
Whatever. It's better than everyone being at Company 24/7. (5) 36%
I don't care. (0) 0%

Total Votes: 14

ran from 10-05-05 to 1/24/06

The great Dinah rescue.
Who do you think will end up rescuing Dinah from the faux farmhouse?
She'll free herself. (3) 20%
Marina (1) 7%
Jonathan (9) 60%
Ross (0) 0%
Jeffery (1) 7%
Edmund will let her go. (1) 7%

Total Votes: 15


Dinah - What is she?
A victim, look at the way Edmund has treated her. (4) 17%
A culprit in this whole mess. She lied about the baby, and deserves what she's getting. (1) 4%
A bit of both. (18) 78%

Total Votes: 23


Danny & Michelle
How do you feel about the characters of Danny & Michelle leaving Springfield?
I love them. I wish they could stay. (10) 56%
I hate them, and are glad they are gone. (5) 28%
Who cares? (1) 6%
Michelle is back?! (2) 11%

Total Votes: 18


Edmund's Exit
How do you you feel about David Andrew MacDonald leaving the show?
Why is everyone leaving? (13) 42%
Mad, I really liked Edmund. (10) 32%
Glad, I hated him. (4) 13%
Eh. Whatever. (4) 13%
Who's Edmund? (0) 0%

Total Votes: 31


Lizzie, the brat.
Has Lizzie grown up at all this past year?
Oh yes. A lot. (10) 59%
Eh. A little. (3) 18%
Not at all. She's still the same. (4) 24%

Total Votes: 17

ran from 8/10/05 to 10/7/05

Nate's demise.
Who do you think will kill Nate?
Josh (8) 57%
Billy (0) 0%
Jonathan (0) 0%
Sandy (1) 7%
Reva (1) 7%
Olivia (0) 0%
Bill (1) 7%
Someone else. (0) 0%
Who cares? (3) 21%

Total Votes: 14

Gus & Harley
Do you think Gus & Harley dominate the screen on GL?
Yes (6) 23%
No (3) 12%
Sometimes (2) 8%
Yes, but I don't mind. (4) 15%
Yes, and I hate it. (7) 27%
I love them! (4) 15%

Total Votes: 26

Teen Scene
Teen Scene - Who should leave Springfield?
Lizzie (3) 7%
Coop (4) 10%
Tammy (2) 5%
Sandy (8) 20%
Jonathan (5) 12%
Marina (7) 17%
None (11) 27%
All of them. (1) 2%

Total Votes: 41

Michael Dempsey is Alan-Michael!
Are you looking forward to the return of Alan-Michael?
Yes (5) 29%
No (3) 18%
I wish Rick Hearst was coming back to portray him. (6) 35%
I don't care. (3) 18%

Total Votes: 17

Beth's lovelife, or lack thereof.
Beth needs a lovelife. Who should the writers pair her with?
Frank (7) 29%
Mallet (5) 21%
Rick (3) 12%
Jeffery (1) 4%
Edmund (3) 12%
Gus (0) 0%
Bill (1) 4%
Jonathan (2) 8%
Alan (2) 8%
Alfred (0) 0%

Total Votes: 24

Alan and Beth Spaulding!
What did you think of Alan's proposal to Beth?
I think it's a great idea. (1) 5%
Disgusting. (6) 32%
She's stupid for even thinking about it. (7) 37%
I hope they get married. (0) 0%
They should get married and move far away. (1) 5%
Who cares? (4) 21%

Total Votes: 19

ran from 7/11/05 to 10/6/05

Sebastian & Spaulding
Do you think Sebastian will be able to bring down Spaulding Enterprises?
Not a chance! (15) 56%
Certainly! (3) 11%
Who cares? (9) 33%

Total Votes: 27

Harley's love life!
Who does Harley belong with?
Gus (35) 59%
Mallet (14) 24%
Phillip (2) 3%
Alan-Michael (2) 3%
Dylan (0) 0%
Bill (2) 3%
Josh (2) 3%
Rick (0) 0%
Other (2) 3%

Total Votes: 59

Are Coop & Lizzie a good match?
Yes (41) 84%
No (6) 12%
Undecided (2) 4%

Total Votes: 49

ran from 6/10/05 to 10/6/05

Jonathan/Nate and Reva
Do you think Jonathan will be able to protect his mother from Nate?
Yes. (24) 51%
No. (14) 30%
Who cares? (9) 19%

Total Votes: 47

Revealing Alan as the killer...
Who will reveal Alan as the killer?
Gus (4) 10%
Harley (17) 44%
Alex (7) 18%
Sebastian (5) 13%
Wallace (2) 5%
Frank (0) 0%
Buzz (0) 0%
Lizzie (0) 0%
Mallet (1) 3%
Other (3) 8%

Total Votes: 39

Favorite Couples
Who is your favorite couple?
Gus/ Harley (12) 19%
Bill/Olivia (3) 5%
Danny/Marina (9) 15%
Coop/Lizzie (10) 16%
Cassie/Edmund (2) 3%
Cassie/Jeffery (5) 8%
Dinah/Edmund (1) 2%
Tammy/Sandy (3) 5%
Josh/Reva (5) 8%
Other (12) 19%

Total Votes: 62

by Boo

ran from 5/16/05 to 6/10/05

Olivia killed Phillip! What will happen?
Convicted and sent to prison (23) 13%
It was self-defense (17) 10%
She will take Emma and run. (56) 33%
Someone will find Phillip alive. (56) 33%
None of the above. (20) 12%

Total Votes: 172

Will Cassie discover all of Edmund's schemes?
yes (41) 32%
only some of them (50) 39%
no (36) 28%

Total Votes: 127

ran from 2/8/05 till 5/16/05

What will happen when Michelle gets all of her memory back?
She will remember her love for Danny, but it will be too late. (8) 38%
Michelle & Danny will get back together. (12) 57%
She will continue to move on with Tony. (0) 0%
She will move on, but alone. (1) 5%

Total Votes: 21

Cassie & Edmond
Will Cassie & Edmund survive Jonathan?
Yes (10) 31%
No (22) 69%

Total Votes: 32

ran from 12/11/04 till 5/16/05

Who killed Phillip
Harley (0) 0%
Buzz (0) 0%
Billy (0) 0%
Olivia (2) 7%
Lizzy (4) 15%
Mel (7) 26%
Alex (2) 7%
Other (12) 44%

Total Votes: 27

Reva & Jonathan
Will Reva's love be able to reach Jonathan?
Yes (13) 57%
No (9) 39%
Don't care (1) 4%

Total Votes: 23

Lizzie & Coop
Will Lizzie and Coop end up as a couple?
Yes (17) 85%
No (3) 15%
Don't Care (0) 0%

Total Votes: 20

by Suzanne


By Mandi

By Jesse

by Anna


By Mandi

#1  #2  #3  #4

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