Primetime Show Reviews

"Raising Hope"
season premiere by Suzanne
On FOX Tuesday 9/8c September 21.
I saw this preview in a hotel room in Atlanta. They had a free
preview on their TV on Demand channel. I am still not sure, but I think
they should have paid me for watching it. The show was not very funny. It was
very weird. I hate to judge a whole TV series by one episode, but it was pretty
Watching this farce was really like watching a car wreck. I just
could not stop watching because I couldn't believe someone would put it on the
air, or that these many fine actors would sign up to be in something so awful.
I don't even know where to begin. Every character in the show is
awful. They are all losers and terrible, trashy people, like you would see on
the Jerry Springer Show. Worse than anything you ever saw on "Married with
Martha Plimpton, who is a great actress from way back, is
totally wasted here as the trashy mom. She did have one of the funnier lines in
the show. She works for a house cleaning service, and when her ride, another
maid, honks her horn to tell her to hurry up, she gets in the car and says
wryly, "What, didn't anyone tell you we're going to clean toilets?" Yep,
that's the funniest it gets. Mostly it's just horrifying to watch. There were
some other funny bits when they reminisce about what a bad mother she was and we
see flashbacks to when she didn't have a car seat. That was about it, though.
Her hapless son, Jimmy, hooks up with a murderous convict who
has his baby and then is electrocuted by the state. Ha ha, hilarious. So he is
stuck with this baby and has no idea what to do. The family advises him to get
rid of it, but he insists on being responsible, unlike the rest of them. Then
suddenly the show tries to be cute and make you go "Awww", but at that point,
you are totally horrified and disgusted at the whole thing.
Another very fine actor, Garret Dilahunt, plays his loser
father, and Cloris Leachman plays the Alzheimer's-inflicted grandmother. I just don't know what FOX was thinking with this show. You would
have to be a truly warped, tastless or twisted person, without a very good sense of humor,
to like it.
I am still offended that they canceled "Dollhouse" and
"Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles", but now I'm really offended. "Sons
of Tucson" was way better than this. I can't believe that Greg Garcia, who
was so funny when writing "Ugly Betty", would write this.
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