Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

 WOW what a week this was on AMC!

    First, I know many people do not like Jake or Amanda or both. I happen to like them. Anyway, the point is that they have always been truthful with each other when they mess up. Amanda admitting to Jake she had an STD was huge, but her admitting that she might have contracted it recently was even braver of her. Jake just assumed since they both “had pasts” that it was from a long time ago. Amanda could have run with that, but she stepped up and told the truth. To Jake’s credit, he decided Amanda was worth staying with. 

    Next, Bianca, Marissa, and JR. Marissa admitting to JR she had feelings for not Scott but Bianca took guts. She is not even sure how this will play out, but at least she did not continue the charade with JR. Bianca understanding this new relationship could once again blow up in her face is taking a big leap of faith. As for JR, to me he is always acting like a little boy. Everything is always about him. He is only interested in a woman when she is not available to him; and once he does close the deal, he gets bored and moves on. His whole tirade with Marissa and Bianca was nothing but a temper tantrum. 

    When the Erica kidnapping started, everyone was trying to guess who Jane really was. Maybe that was how the story originally was to be written, but it looks like things have changed. I think Jane is exactly what she said she is, an Erica wannabe. I love Susan Lucci as Jane, especially with David. She is acting like a school girl, and I don’t think David was prepared for all her attention. I did enjoy the intervention. What Jane/Erica was saying to everyone made me laugh. When David showed up and “Erica” said they were in love was priceless. I especially liked when David proposed on one knee. Some people who watched years ago when the real Erica and David were involved, might remember that Erica got angry when David proposed to her, because he did not get down on one knee to do it. I wonder if writing it the way they did now was because of that past. 

               Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

                    I would love to hear from any of my readers.

                           Patti G


Read Patti's previous articles:  7/9/11, 7/2/11, 6/25/11, 6/19/11, 6/12/11, 6/5/11, 5/29/11, 5/22/11, 5/14/11, 5/8/11, 4/29/11, 4/26/11, 4/23/11, 4/17/11, 4/9/11, 4/2/11, 3/26/11, 3/19/11, 3/13/11, 3/8/11, 2/26/11, 2/19/11, 2/13/11, 2/6/11, 1/28/11, 1/22/11, 1/16/11, 1/7/11, 12/30/10, 12/23/10, 12/17/10, 12/9/10, 12/4/10, 11/26/10, 11/20/10, 11/12/10, 11/6/10, 10/30/10, 10/22/10, 10/15/10, 10/8/10, 10/1/10, 9/26/10, 9/18/10, 9/10/10, 9/4/10, 8/27/10, 8/20/10, 8/13/10, 8/7/10, 7/30/10, 7/21/10 7/16/10, 7/10/10, 7/2/10, 6/25/10, 6/18/10, 6/11/10, 6/4/10, 5/27/10, 5/21/10, 5/14/10, 5/7/10, 4/30/10, 4/24/10, 4/16/10, 4/9/10, 4/2/10, 3/26/10, 3/19/10, 3/13/10, 3/6/10, 2/27/10, 2/19/10, 2/12/10, 2/7/10, 1/29/10, 1/23/10, 1/17/10, 1/8/10, 1/1/10, 12/25/09, 12/18/09, 12/11/09, 12/4/09, 11/20/09, 11/13/09, 11/6/09, 11/1/09, 10/24/09, 10/16/09, 10/12/09, 10/8/09, 10/5/09, 9/26/09, 9/21/09, 9/9/09, 9/5/09, 8/29/09, 8/23/09, 8/15/09, 8/8/09, 8/2/09, 8/1/09, 7/24/09, 7/19/09, 7/10/09, 7/3/09, 6/27/09, 6/20/09, 6/14/09, 6/5/09, 5/29/09, 5/25/09, 5/24/095/16/09, 5/15/09, 5/8/09, 5/3/09, 4/25/09, 4/15/09, 4/10/09, 4/3/09, 3/31/09, 3/28/09, and 3/27/09.

Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 7/17/11

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