Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Just some thoughts this week:

  1. Love the relationship that is developing between David and Jane. Jane’s reaction was very believable when she appeared shocked to hear David has lost two children.
  2. JR always wants what he cannot have. He had a wonderful marriage with Marissa, then got bored and had a fling with Annie. After that ended, he wants Marissa again. As soon as he has her back, he will get bored again and maybe that will tie in MCE’s return to the show.
  3. Since we know Zach is coming back, I cannot get very interested in Griff and Kendall’s relationship.
  4. Normally, I would like Dixie coming back and reuniting with Tad . However, I really like Cara and Tad together. In fact it is the only time I like Cara. I am very conflicted about how this is going to turn out.
  5. Jake should really keep in mind who his wife’s mother is and how he is messing with Amanda. Especially since we also now know that Janet will be returning as well.
  6. Asher, Colby, Caleb, and Maya are really a waste of air time.
  7. Well, now we know a lot more of the back story of Jane. She obviously does not seem to want any more of Erica’s life other than Jack and the public adulation. So where did she get the money to fund this operation to begin with and able to keep it going now?
  8. Does it irritate anyone else whenever you hear the women’s heels clicking so loud on the floor?
  9. Susan Lucci seemed to have a bit of trouble keeping her dress up this week. What was that posing on the sofa all about?

             Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

                    I would love to hear from any of my readers.

                           Patti G


Read Patti's previous articles:  6/12/11, 6/5/11, 5/29/11, 5/22/11, 5/14/11, 5/8/11, 4/29/11, 4/26/11, 4/23/11, 4/17/11, 4/9/11, 4/2/11, 3/26/11, 3/19/11, 3/13/11, 3/8/11, 2/26/11, 2/19/11, 2/13/11, 2/6/11, 1/28/11, 1/22/11, 1/16/11, 1/7/11, 12/30/10, 12/23/10, 12/17/10, 12/9/10, 12/4/10, 11/26/10, 11/20/10, 11/12/10, 11/6/10, 10/30/10, 10/22/10, 10/15/10, 10/8/10, 10/1/10, 9/26/10, 9/18/10, 9/10/10, 9/4/10, 8/27/10, 8/20/10, 8/13/10, 8/7/10, 7/30/10, 7/21/10 7/16/10, 7/10/10, 7/2/10, 6/25/10, 6/18/10, 6/11/10, 6/4/10, 5/27/10, 5/21/10, 5/14/10, 5/7/10, 4/30/10, 4/24/10, 4/16/10, 4/9/10, 4/2/10, 3/26/10, 3/19/10, 3/13/10, 3/6/10, 2/27/10, 2/19/10, 2/12/10, 2/7/10, 1/29/10, 1/23/10, 1/17/10, 1/8/10, 1/1/10, 12/25/09, 12/18/09, 12/11/09, 12/4/09, 11/20/09, 11/13/09, 11/6/09, 11/1/09, 10/24/09, 10/16/09, 10/12/09, 10/8/09, 10/5/09, 9/26/09, 9/21/09, 9/9/09, 9/5/09, 8/29/09, 8/23/09, 8/15/09, 8/8/09, 8/2/09, 8/1/09, 7/24/09, 7/19/09, 7/10/09, 7/3/09, 6/27/09, 6/20/09, 6/14/09, 6/5/09, 5/29/09, 5/25/09, 5/24/095/16/09, 5/15/09, 5/8/09, 5/3/09, 4/25/09, 4/15/09, 4/10/09, 4/3/09, 3/31/09, 3/28/09, and 3/27/09.

Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 6/19/11

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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