Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

I start by asking a question. We all know Alicia Minshew (Kendall) will be returning to AMC sometime during the summer. Has anyone heard how they will be writing her back in? How will they explain Zach not returning? He is on business? They separated? Will she return with “her boys? What effect will her return have on Fusion? (Personally I do not care if Fusion goes down in flames). If anyone has heard something please share, or feel free to come up with your own theories to share with the rest of us.

I like that Madison last week told “White Knight” Lavery that all women did not need saving. Finally I thought out of the mouth of babes comes what we the viewers have always been saying about Ryan. However, they then blew it with Madison returning because she could not fix a flat tire.

The NuBianca has the right look for the part, and I think she will eventually win people over, but there is still something about her delivery of lines which I cannot put my finger on exactly that bothers me.

Did they get a discount some where for dresses with big zippers down the back for Greenlee? Am I out of touch and don’t know the big zipper dress is the fashion “it” right now?

It makes no sense, except for putting Caleb and Erica together, that she (Erica) have anything to do with Cordlandt Electronics. It makes more sense for her to have taken over as Editor of Tempo again, especially after Brooke took off with Adam. Leaving CE to Caleb and JR would have been more interesting. That would pit JR and Scott on an even playing field. It appeared to me that people were more surprised that he and Erica are to co-run CE more than the fact he is Palmer’s nephew.

Should Angie really be working? Besides not being able to see and risking a patient’s treatment, couldn’t this infection be passed to other people she is around? She mentioned the illness was not contagious, but obviously it can be transferred by blood or other bodily fluids, so she could infect other people. What is she waiting for? She knows how serious the problem is.

They have brought this woman Mayor into the story a lot lately. She obviously does not care for Chief of Police Hubbard or his daughter. She also has a big supporter in David. Interesting if an election storyline was held with her running, let us say, against Jack?

Why doesn’t the pilot of Erica’s plane tell people that it was Erica that ordered him to forgo the inspection and take off or she would get another pilot to fly her. David might have “disabled” the plane, but Erica blatantly ignored the pilot regarding the safety check.

Say what you want about “Dr. Evil” when he loves a woman he will go to any length to make her happy but more importantly to protect her even putting himself at risk. It is also wonderful how David is always one step ahead of everyone else. Love how he made the deal with the man from the SEC.

I thought when Cordlandt Manor burned down, Palmer had lost all his money and that was the reason Petey and Opal moved in with Tad. Now Palmer is the owner of Wildwind and still had controlling interest of CE? I hate when they disregard past storylines when they need to write something else. Originally we were “led” to believe David bought Wildwind, now they conveniently write it that he has been renting all this time?

I like that Marissa is occasionally showing some spunk, but even being David’s daughter, I think she should be a lot more careful about ticking Annie off. Annie has stabbed Erica, killed her brother and other assorted violent actions.

I can’t believe I am saying this but Madison has a real calming effect on Ryan. I actually like watching the two of them. I also like that even though they are obviously attracted to each other, they are enjoying a lovely slow courtship. Ryan is very gentle around Madison, and it makes me enjoy watching him like I did when he was with Gillian.

Does David still own the cabin in the woods?

Who is watching Trevor and I would think that Amanda and Jake would rush to see him after being away from him for a few days.

Finally, I just want to applaud Ricky Paull Goldin and his portrayal of Jake Martin. Jake is over the moon in love with his wife, and his scenes with Chrishell show that chemistry. I also like when he has scenes with baby Trevor, as well as with Michael E. Knight. They come off as a very realistic brotherly relationship.

Sorry this week’s column is so long but there was so much for me to comment on.

          Have a great 4th of July!

                    I would love to hear from any of my readers.

                           Patti G


Read Patti's previous articles:  6/25/10, 6/18/10, 6/11/10, 6/4/10, 5/27/10, 5/21/10, 5/14/10, 5/7/10, 4/30/10, 4/24/10, 4/16/10, 4/9/10, 4/2/10, 3/26/10, 3/19/10, 3/13/10, 3/6/10, 2/27/10, 2/19/10, 2/12/10, 2/7/10, 1/29/10, 1/23/10, 1/17/10, 1/8/10, 1/1/10, 12/25/09, 12/18/09, 12/11/09, 12/4/09, 11/20/09, 11/13/09, 11/6/09, 11/1/09, 10/24/09, 10/16/09, 10/12/09, 10/8/09, 10/5/09, 9/26/09, 9/21/09, 9/9/09, 9/5/09, 8/29/09, 8/23/09, 8/15/09, 8/8/09, 8/2/09, 8/1/09, 7/24/09, 7/19/09, 7/10/09, 7/3/09, 6/27/09, 6/20/09, 6/14/09, 6/5/09, 5/29/09, 5/25/09, 5/24/095/16/09, 5/15/09, 5/8/09, 5/3/09, 4/25/09, 4/15/09, 4/10/09, 4/3/09, 3/31/09, 3/28/09, and 3/27/09.

Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 9/14/10

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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