Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite
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Random Thoughts
By Patti G

I am writing my first column for All My Children, and while I have posted on websites in the past this is really official. Just so you know my credentials, I have been a fan of AMC since 1976. I have watched the show during its glory days and stood by it when it has been down (like now). Just want to pass along some of my thoughts. 

  1. David – I like David Hayward and the Actor V. I. However this time back in PV he is a one-note character. If I hear him talk about getting his grandson or “Little A” back one more time, I will scream. This time he is just flat out mean. I could understand it if TPTB were planning a murder and “Who killed David” SL, but if not, he is being wasted. David was always a SOB, but we got to see him in the past caring about people he was close to: Anna, Leo, Greenlee, Leora, Babe, Kendall & Bianca (during the Cambias Trial).
  2. Amanda – You want to keep your baby far way from Dr. Evil, but you continue to get your medical care at PVH. What gives? If you were smart, you would head out to see Hayley and Maria and have them take care of the situation.
  3. KWAK – When Babe first died I felt compassion for KWAK. AMC had the opportunity for a really good SL. She could have spiraled into depression, even become dependent on medication, ignoring the kids and pushing Tad away. Instead this stupid SL with David. Plus now that she knows all the destructive things her husband has done, and she is still backing him, I will feel no compassion when she crashes and burns.
  4. Little A – Please Jesse while he is in yours and Angie’s care, give the kid a cool new name.
  5. Reggie – He needs to come back, all grown and graduated from Law School. Hearing about his sister Greenlee’s death he comes back to be with Jack. They go into practice together. Reggie is a good lawyer but still uses his street smarts. He eventually meets Natalia, and think of the opportunities to act with his future father-in-law, the Chief of Police – Jesse. Plus Frankie, Angie and Randy will have some more company. The Montgomerys and Hubbards make a nice blended family.
  6. Janet – Would it not be great if Janet came back. Finds out her precious Amanda is pregnant and she is scared of Dr. Evil. Janet would be glad to set him straight.
  7. Randi – I am happy to see her finally accepted by the whole Hubbard family.
  8. Liza – Great to have her back even though it will not be Marcy Walker. Think of the possibilities: Adam, Jake and Tad all single. Her new relationship with her more mature daughter Colby, a reason to see Stuart and Marion again. Plus wait till she finally runs into Jesse after all these years. She did accuse him in high school of raping her.
  9. Scott –He is obviously being brought on board if and when Jacob Young decides to leave. However again another reason to see more of Stuart and Marion.

Well that’s about all for now. Have a great week. 

              Patti G


Page updated 8/20/14

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