Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite
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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

What is with Greenlee and these big zippers on her dresses?

When and where did Opal move? Tad’s statement to Liza when he wanted them to be alone caught me by surprise.

Bad taste Tad telling Liza he could kill Damon and bury the body where no one would find it.

Greenlee calls a company meeting with Fusion’s 2 employees (Madison and Randi) and one gets fired. I smell a lawsuit.

Are we supposed to believe that a plane can crashed, landed on a man’s home, and there is no fire? Seems like there would be, and someone would see it?

Even though David attempted to stall Erica’s return to PV by making her plane require a safety inspection, it was Erica’s decision to override the pilot and not do it.

If I had Greenlee and David’s money I would forget about my company and hospital and do what Zach & Kendall did; walk away, buy a yacht, and travel the world.

NuBianca; Looks wise; she is a good cast. I think she was a bit too intense. I cannot quite put my finger on exactly what about her performance irked me, but for the most part I think she is a good recast. Time will tell, of course.

Spoilers re. Palmer’s Will. I heard that Palmer leaves JR his Chandler stock. How and when did PC get Chandler stock?

All is revealed about Caleb; like it will be a big surprise that he is a Cortlandt.

Why do all the men that start a relationship with Erica that has some adversarial aspect to it, wind up becoming her lap dogs. They completely lose all their edge after being with her for a while. Examples: Jack, Chris Stamp, Jack, eventually Caleb will fall under “la Kane’s’ spell.

I have to admit I am intrigued by what Angie’s health issue is and the storyline they are building around it.

             Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

                    I would love to hear from any of my readers.

                           Patti G


Read Patti's previous articles:  6/11/10, 6/4/10, 5/27/10, 5/21/10, 5/14/10, 5/7/10, 4/30/10, 4/24/10, 4/16/10, 4/9/10, 4/2/10, 3/26/10, 3/19/10, 3/13/10, 3/6/10, 2/27/10, 2/19/10, 2/12/10, 2/7/10, 1/29/10, 1/23/10, 1/17/10, 1/8/10, 1/1/10, 12/25/09, 12/18/09, 12/11/09, 12/4/09, 11/20/09, 11/13/09, 11/6/09, 11/1/09, 10/24/09, 10/16/09, 10/12/09, 10/8/09, 10/5/09, 9/26/09, 9/21/09, 9/9/09, 9/5/09, 8/29/09, 8/23/09, 8/15/09, 8/8/09, 8/2/09, 8/1/09, 7/24/09, 7/19/09, 7/10/09, 7/3/09, 6/27/09, 6/20/09, 6/14/09, 6/5/09, 5/29/09, 5/25/09, 5/24/095/16/09, 5/15/09, 5/8/09, 5/3/09, 4/25/09, 4/15/09, 4/10/09, 4/3/09, 3/31/09, 3/28/09, and 3/27/09.

Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 9/14/10

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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