Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Some Observations:

TPTB have decided a long time ago that Ryan and Greenlee are a great “Super Couple.” While I don’t deny that Rebecca and Cameron are beautiful to look at, there is something lacking in their fairytale relationship. As best as I can see, the only thing that this couple has to do is be on some sort of adventure time and time again. Ryan the hero saving Greenlee, Ryan and Greenlee as Dynamite Kiddo and the Green Butterfly. There is nothing else between them. Both only mention their work or actually do it when it is plot driven, and as far as Ryan being a Dad, Emma and Spike are mostly props. I really do not see Greenlee (as opposed to Madison let's say) becoming a PTA Mom.  

There have been and are still now on the show good “Super Couples.” First look at Angie and Jesse. Not only has their love for each other endured the past 30 years, but also their lives are filled with so much as far as storylines go. They have Angie’s blindness, both of their jobs, a new baby on the way as well as grown children.  

Next example of a great “Super Couple,” Zach and Kendall. Yes, I know Zach is gone, but when he was there, he and Kendall had a very special love. Both changed each other in ways that neither expected. Yes, they had their rough patches, but they always found their way back to each other. What also made them special, was they had a family. Not just Spike and Ian, but extended family that brought depth to their relationship.  

Another example of a great “Super Couple” is Jack and Erica. Now before you slam me, I am not referring to the present Jerica, but back when they were first married. Not only were Jack and Erica entertaining, but the enrichment in storylines that this new blended family created was wonderful. Erica and Jack had two teenagers (Reggie & Lily) living at home, Erica was now stepmom to her constant rival Greenlee, Jack became step dad to Bianca and Kendall, in addition to son-in-laws Ryan and Zach plus grandchildren. There were endless plots and drama to draw on.  

I guess what I am trying to say is that there has to be more than just beauty and romance to make a couple into a fantastic “Super Couple.” They have to have depth in their characters to draw from and a wide background and/or history to enhance their relationship. Otherwise, these shallow pairings run out of steam quickly. That is why in my opinion, with Ryan and Greenlee in particular they always have one of them “dying” over and over again just to reunite them and start all over.  

             Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.

                    I would love to hear from any of my readers.

                           Patti G


Read Patti's previous articles:  2/19/11, 2/13/11, 2/6/11, 1/28/11, 1/22/11, 1/16/11, 1/7/11, 12/30/10, 12/23/10, 12/17/10, 12/9/10, 12/4/10, 11/26/10, 11/20/10, 11/12/10, 11/6/10, 10/30/10, 10/22/10, 10/15/10, 10/8/10, 10/1/10, 9/26/10, 9/18/10, 9/10/10, 9/4/10, 8/27/10, 8/20/10, 8/13/10, 8/7/10, 7/30/10, 7/21/10 7/16/10, 7/10/10, 7/2/10, 6/25/10, 6/18/10, 6/11/10, 6/4/10, 5/27/10, 5/21/10, 5/14/10, 5/7/10, 4/30/10, 4/24/10, 4/16/10, 4/9/10, 4/2/10, 3/26/10, 3/19/10, 3/13/10, 3/6/10, 2/27/10, 2/19/10, 2/12/10, 2/7/10, 1/29/10, 1/23/10, 1/17/10, 1/8/10, 1/1/10, 12/25/09, 12/18/09, 12/11/09, 12/4/09, 11/20/09, 11/13/09, 11/6/09, 11/1/09, 10/24/09, 10/16/09, 10/12/09, 10/8/09, 10/5/09, 9/26/09, 9/21/09, 9/9/09, 9/5/09, 8/29/09, 8/23/09, 8/15/09, 8/8/09, 8/2/09, 8/1/09, 7/24/09, 7/19/09, 7/10/09, 7/3/09, 6/27/09, 6/20/09, 6/14/09, 6/5/09, 5/29/09, 5/25/09, 5/24/095/16/09, 5/15/09, 5/8/09, 5/3/09, 4/25/09, 4/15/09, 4/10/09, 4/3/09, 3/31/09, 3/28/09, and 3/27/09.

Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 2/26/11

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