Fun General Hospital Stories!
Carly/Lorenzo Reunion
Chapter 8
by Mary
Carly and Lorenzo walk arm in arm into the police station. They are met
with sarcastic stares from everyone. Not a person stopped long enough to
even ask them if they could be of service.
When Carly and Lorenzo walk into the squad room, they are once again met
with stares, and with whispers amongst themselves.
Lorenzo walked up to the desk that was just outside Mac’s office. “Excuse
me,” Lorenzo asks in a kind voice. The officer looks up at him, and in a
sarcastic voice, asks him, “what do you want.?
Ignoring the officer’s sarcastic remark, Lorenzo asks him, kindly, if he
could see Mac. The officer mumbles that Mac is busy, and not taking any
calls or visitors.
Lorenzo looks through the window, and sees that Mac is just sitting at his
desk. “He doesn’t look busy.” Lorenzo remarks. The officer jumps up from
his chair, and grabs Lorenzo by the shirt collar. “Are you telling me I’m
“No, of course not.” came Lorenzo’s reply. I just meant….. Lorenzo’s words
trail off in mid sentence, as Mac comes out of his office .”What is going
on out here.? Mac asks.
No one speaks a word. “Well, is anyone going to tell me what is going on
here?” Mac asks again.
Everyone looks at each other. Lorenzo finds his voice, and lets Mac know
that he needs to see him. Mac gives him a questioning look, but then
ushers them into his office.
Once inside his office, Mac questions Lorenzo as to what he can do for
Lorenzo, reluctantly, hands him the note that he had just taken out of his
pocket. After reading the note, Mac asks Lorenzo when had he received this
.Lorenzo explains everything carefully to him.
Mac listens very carefully as Lorenzo recounts the day’s happenings to
him. When Lorenzo had finished his story, Mac pushed the intercom button,
and asked for one of his officers to come in.
The door opens, and Parkinson came into the office. Mac hands him the
note, and gives him explicit instructions to take it to the lab to analyze
for fingerprints. Reluctantly, Parkinson takes the note, and leaves the
Mac assures Lorenzo and Carly that they will have around the clock
protection until this person is found.
Thanking Mac, Lorenzo and Carly leave the office.
Walking down to the car, Lorenzo tries his best to re-assure Carly that
everything will be just fine . He pulls her close to him, and they kiss
underneath the street light outside the station.
Ch. 1 | Ch.
2 | Ch. 3 |
Ch. 4 | Ch. 5
| Ch. 6 | Ch.
7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 |
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Page updated 6/5/12