Fun General Hospital Stories!
Carly/Lorenzo Reunion
Chapter 4
by Mary
Lorenzo, hurriedly, unfastens Carly’s
seatbelt, and picking her up, carries her into the General Hospital
emergency room.
As he goes through the swinging doors,
he yells for a nurse to help them. A nurse hurries to his side. Lorenzo
explains the situation to her, and she immediately calls for an orderly.
The orderly arrives within minutes with a gurney. With the help of all
three of them, they lift Carly onto the gurney.
The nurse instructs the orderly to put
Carly into Room 2, while she tells Lorenzo that she has some papers for
him to fill out . Lorenzo follows her to the nurse’s station to fill out
the necessary papers. Lorenzo, frantic with worry, questions the nurse if
Carly is going to be alright. The nurse tries to put his mind to ease as
best as she can.
After he signs the necessary papers,
Lorenzo paces the floor back and forth in eager anticipation as to what is
happening. Not only is he worried about Carly, but he wonders where
Michael and Morgan are. Suddenly, he hears a scream coming from inside the
emergency room. He finds Carly, lying unconscious on one of the beds. The
doctors and nurses work frantically, to save her life. “What’s happening?”
Lorenzo asks as he hurries past the nurses. “Get him out of here!” the
doctor orders the nurse. The nurse comes to Lorenzo’s side, and persuades
him that he is going to have to wait outside. She promises that she will
let him know the minute that they have any news.
Sitting down in one of the chairs, he
places his hands over his face, and he says a silent prayer for Carly, and
her sons. “Where are her sons?” he asks himself. He hadn’t heard them
anywhere when he had found Carly in the rubble. Taking the cell phone out
of his pocket, he quickly dials Sonny’s number. The phone hadn’t rung over
a couple of times when Sonny answers it. “Hello.” Sonny replies.
Lorenzo quickly identifies himself, and
explains the situation to Sonny as to what had happened to Carly. Sonny
immediately wants to know about Carly’s well being. Lorenzo fills him in
as best as he can that she is in the emergency room, and they are working
on her. Sonny is relieved about Carly. Lorenzo tells him that the reason
that he had called was to check on Michael and Morgan because he knows
Carly will want to know about them when she gains consciousness. Sonny
informs him that they are fine. He explains to Lorenzo that he had picked
them up earlier in the day, and they were with him, safe and sound. This
relieves Lorenzo’s mind. Lorenzo thanks Sonny for the info, and hangs up.
A nurse comes out of the E.R., and tells
Lorenzo that it was touch and go for a few minutes, but they have gotten
Carly stabilized, she is conscious, and is asking for him. Lorenzo thanks
her, and hurriedly rushes to Carly’s side.
He finds her, with a large bandage on
her head, and I.V.’s hooked up to her. She manages a smile when he enters
the room. She holds out her hand to him. He slowly takes her hand, as he
kisses her on the cheek. He sits down beside her. “How are you?” he asks.
She manages to tell him, “so, so.” She looks at him, and mumbles the words,
“boys.” He smiles at her, and lets her know that her boys are fine. She
smiles a relieved smile. She drifts off to sleep with Lorenzo holding her
Slowly placing her hand on the bed, he
gets up, and walks out of the room. He meets up with Dr. Stone in the
hall. Lorenzo approaches him, and introduces himself as Carly’s husband.
Dr. Stone assures Lorenzo that Carly has a few cuts and abrasions, and
maybe a possible concussion, and they want to keep her overnight for
observation. Lorenzo thanks him for his help. After talking to the doctor,
Lorenzo decides to go home for a quick shower, and then he would come back
to spend the night with Carly.
On the drive back to his condo, Lorenzo
notices that all the street lights in the city are out because of the
storm, and the city is plunged into total darkness. The only lights that
you can see is from the headlights from the passing cars.
To his surprise, when he pulls onto his
street, he finds that the lights are on, and nothing has been bothered.
Pulling into his parking place, he gets
out of his car, and hurries into the building.
Pressing the button for the elevator, he
is surprised that it also works.
Riding up on the elevator, he begins to
plan his strategy on what to do now that he has Carly back in his life,
and to hold onto her. He promised himself that he will not make the same
mistakes again that he had before. The one thing that he didn’t have to
worry about this time was that Carly was over Sonny for good.
Ch. 1 |
Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 |
Ch. 5 |
Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 |
Ch. 8 |
Ch. 9 | The Prequel
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Page updated 6/5/12