Fun General Hospital Stories!
Carly/Lorenzo Reunion
Chapter 7
by Mary
Lorenzo, slowly maneuvered his car back into the flow of traffic.
Patting his chest, he felt to see if the small black box was still in his
pocket. It was, safe and sound.
His mind went instantly to Carly, and the look on her face when he placed
this ring on her finger, and asked her to marry him for the second time.
But, a terrible thought just occurred to him. What if she said, “no.”,
because of the business that he was in. She had never approved of him
being involved in the mob, and taking his spite out on Sonny. What could
he do to solve this situation? After thinking a few moments, he realized
what he must do. He had to get out of the syndicate, and find a
respectable job.
He had a degree in Teaching, so he could go to Llanview University, and
apply for a teacher’s position.
Glancing up, he realized that a car had been following him for the last
couple of miles. Slowly down, he thought that the car just wanted by him,
but the car also slowed down. When Lorenzo speeded up, the car also
speeded up. Changing lanes, he soon had a couple of cars between him, and
the other car. He was puzzled as to who could be following him. Maybe, it
was someone that he had antagonized in his past business dealings. By all
means, he knew that he would have to find out, who it was before his
marriage to Carly.
Soon he was entering the outskirts of Port Charles, and there was no sign
of the car that had been trailing him. Maybe, it had been all in his mind.
Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was three o’clock, and Carly would
be wondering where he was. Instead of going to the university, he drove
straight to the hospital.
When he reached the hospital, he found that Carly was ready to be
dismissed. After signing all the necessary papers, he was ready to take
Carly and her things down to his car. Despite her protests, he made her
ride in a wheelchair for her own safety.
Once downstairs, he helped her carefully into the frontseat. Throwing her
suitcase in the backseat, they were finally ready to go.
Coming around to the driver’s door, he saw a white piece of paper placed
behind his windshield wiper. Removing it carefully as so Carly would not
see, he read the note. The note simply said, “YOU ARE NEXT.” Folding the
paper, he carefully placed it in his coat pocket.
Carly noticing what he had done questioned him about the note. Lorenzo was
apprehensive at first, but he remembered all the times that he had lied to
Carly that had made her not trust him. Not wanting to make the same
mistakes again, he took the note about of his coat, and handed it to her.
After carefully reading the note, she wanted to go immediately to the
police. Lorenzo was confused as to what to do, but he finally agreed to do
as Carly asked.
Squeezing her hand, he told her how much he loved her, and he wanted to do
things right now.
Ch. 1 | Ch.
2 | Ch. 3 |
Ch. 4 | Ch. 5
| Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 |
Ch. 8 | Ch. 9
| The Prequel
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Page updated 6/5/12