Brad Maule - General Hospital Q&A From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Q & A Pages

General Hospital Interviews!

Catching Up with Brad Maule (ex-Tony)
Laurie Bedigian
December 13, 2009

Recently I caught up with my friend, Brad Maule.  The soap world fondly remembers Brad for his many years as General Hospital’s Dr. Tony Jones.  These days, Brad wears many hats including that of a talk radio host, a television host, an actor, and a college professor.  Brad is one busy man.  Our conversations are always funny and colorful.  Our most recent phone chat took place while Brad was in a local coffee house he said was reminiscent of “Central Perk” from “Friends.” 

Refresh my memory – how long have you been teaching at the university?  What classes do you teach?

I’ve been at the university about three years or so.  I teach Cinematography, Acting for the Camera, and a Musical Theater class. 

Are you active in Community Theater?

I’ve done some but I don’t right now because I’m so busy.  I’ve done two or three plays here over the last several years.  I did “The King and I” in community theater here (in Texas). 

Lets talk a little about “All Good Years” – the student film you were nice enough to send me a copy of.  Were you happy with the finished product? 

I’m happy with it but when you do a film, it’s a learning process for the students.  We have limitations – we don’t get professional actors, we get student actors.  I loved doing it.  We had a great time.  We do one film a year and we get better every year. 

Can people buy a copy of “All Good Years?”

There’s gonna be an online store within the next year or two through the university.  But as of now, it’s not available. 

Tell us about the latest student film you’re working on.

It’s called “Sarah’s Book.”  It’s a film about race relations.  This year we used an HD camera so we shot it in high definition.  We shot it as a period piece – everything takes place before 1970.  It’s all done in house.  At the moment, they’re working on sound and color correction.  It’s all edited – they’re scoring it right now.  The film comes out in March and the kids are close to turning in the scripts for next summer’s film.  So while we're in postproduction for one film, we’re in pre production for the next one.  To our knowledge, we’re the only film school in the country that does a full-length feature film every year. 

Talk a little bit about “Desdemona: A Love Story.”

I did that when I first came here to the university.  My character dies in the beginning of the film.  During the rest of the film, the two guys (my son and my adopted son) try to get money to bury my character by kidnapping a former love.  It’s won at huge film festivals all over the country.  It won “Best Actor” at the Boston Film Festival.  It also won “Best Picture” and beat Uma Thurman’s “Motherhood.”  We also won “Best Direction” at the Boston Film Festival. 

Talk a little bit about “Walking Distance.”

It’s with the star of “Paranormal Activity,” Katie Featherston.  I just had a small role but it’s getting a lot of “play” with the studio. 

Lets talk about the radio show.  Have you done radio before?  What’s the basic premise of your show?  How do you prepare for each day’s show?

I was a DJ in high school.  Sometimes I have guests on but most of the time it’s just call-ins.  Other days it’s just me talking for an hour and a half.  I’ve had some politicians on and some local people.  It’s a funny, gentle, community-based show.  I don’t do any “bad” news.  At 9:00 at night when I get home, I look at the news of the day and try to come up with an outline of a format for the next day.  I have a vampire that calls in every morning.  We have all kinds of characters who call in.  

Tell us what your typical schedule is – walk us through your day.

I get up at 5:30 a.m. and I go to the station and do the radio show at 6:30.  I come back and take a little hour nap.  Then I get up and teach from 12:00 until 5:00.  After that I go to meetings and handle production stuff.  I usually get home around 9:00 p.m. and do my “homework” for my radio show.  Then I go to bed, and it starts all over again. 

Are you still doing your television show, “Texas County Line?”

We’re in our second season.  We probably have 30 shows done now.  Our viewership is up to around a million to a million and a half people a week now.  I have better ratings than the soap operas (laughs).  You can go to the website at and watch all the episodes. 

Do you have any special plans for the holidays?

This year my son and I are gonna try and serve food at a soup kitchen.  I used to do that when I was a kid, and I think it’s time to get back to it again. 

Thanks to Brad Maule for taking the time to talk with me. 

Click here for more information on Brad’s radio show and to listen live every morning!

For more on “Desdemona: A Love Story," click here

Click here to become a fan of “Desdemona: A Love Story” on FaceBook

Click here to view the “Walking Distance” trailer.

Visit the film’s official site here

To view the “All Good Years” trailer, click here!

Read all of Laurie Bedigian's celebrity interviews:

Melissa Archer (ex-Natalie, OLTL)  10/21/12
Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R)  11/20/11
Greg Cipes (JT, GH)  9/5/11
Colin Egglesfield (ex Josh, AMC)  9/4/11
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  12/13/09
Tim Gibbs (ex-Kevin, OLTL)  11/7/09
Louise Shaffer (Rae Woodard, Ryan's Hope)  10/23/09
Tobias Truvillion (Vincent, OLTL)  8/14/09
Brian Gaskill (Rafe, Port Charles; ex-Bobby, AMC)  7/24/09
Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL)  4/12/09
Senta Moses (Winnifred, GH)  2/15/09
Blake Gibbons (Coleman, GH)  12/5/08
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  11/23/08
Graham Shiels (Cody, GH)  11/19/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  4/5/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  1/11/08

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