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The General Hospital Q & A Pages

General Hospital Interviews!

Catching Up with Bradford Anderson (Spinelli)
Laurie Bedigian

April 5, 2008 was a big day in Southeast Michigan.  Over a dozen daytime stars came to town for the “Touched By A Star” charity event held at Villa Penna banquet center in Sterling Heights, a suburb of Detroit.  The “Touched by A Star” charity was created to help children and their families with all aspects of terminal illnesses such as cancer. Josephine Vitale who lost her 13-year-old son, Angelo, to cancer, set up the foundation.  The actors in attendance included: Bradford Anderson, Matthew Ashford, Brandon Barash, Josh Duhon, Tyler Christopher, Steve Burton, BethAnn Bonner, Derk Cheetwood, Drew Cheetwood, Ambyr Childers, Jason Gerhardt, Carolyn Hennesy, Kim McCullough, Cynthia Preston, Sebastian Roché, and Ignacio Serricchio.

I had the privilege of interviewing Bradford Anderson while he was in town for the event.  Even though he was pressed for time, Bradford took a few minutes to sit down with me and answer some questions.   Bradford is incredibly unique.  He made me feel like talking with me was the most important part of his day.  Bradford was interesting, funny, and very sweet.  He was an absolute joy to talk with and someone I won’t soon forget.    Here’s what Bradford had to say:

1.  In our last interview, you said you wouldn’t be doing much of anything if you weren’t an actor.  Seriously, you seem really intelligent.  What else are you good at?  Were you good in school?

Basically what happened is in college or leading up to college, I never found myself interested in anything else.  I was a pretty good student actually.   I excelled at things that I did.  I was good at math but I didn’t stand out as a math student.  I got A's but it wasn’t my passion.  I was top five in my class.  I was good at stuff but I never said “This is something not only am I good at it, but I would love to do it for the rest of my life.”

2.  Did you always want to be an actor?   

When my sister and I were both very young, we were involved in Community Theater. Being from central New Hampshire, no one gets on that career path at a young age, because there’s just nowhere to go.  There’s not a regular pattern of people that do that.  You don’t have any role models.  There’s no formula for it.  You can’t be a child actor in New Hampshire, let’s say.  So it was just something I did as an extracurricular.  When I got involved in high school, it just kind of stuck. 

3.  Is it true that your mom didn’t let you watch soap operas growing up? 

No, I wasn’t allowed to.  There were two things - there were soap operas and MTV.  My mom is not overbearing or terribly strict.  I think she watched a Madonna video once, so she thought all videos were sex, and she thought soap operas were all sex.  I don’t think she grew up with soap operas.  Maybe her mother instilled that in her mind.   But now my mom watches soaps everyday.

4.  The fans love you and find you so funny.  Are you surprised at how popular your character has become?

I hope they do. It’s so different.  I’ve gotten used to it now.  I continue to be grateful that they haven’t gotten tired of me. At first it was great they could accept something a little different, and now it’s great they aren’t getting tired of it.   I’m still incredibly grateful for all the support.

5.  When you first came on, Spinelli was a smart guy who just talked a little strange, then you added the comedic element and made him so loveable.  How much freedom do you have with the character as far as what you say and do?

It depends … sometimes we’ll try things out in rehearsal that may deviate from what has been planned.  We have very talented writers and very talented directors, so I’m always in great hands.  In the rare occasion that I have a great idea, they allow me to go for it.  Most of the time, I’m just heeding the good advice of the directors and the writers.

6.  Talk a little about when Spinelli lost his clothes – was it strange for you to be so exposed?

It was a little strange.  I had these little briefs on.  It was funny - these people I work side by side with everyday - and not really thinking about it until all of a sudden I was up there naked before them.  It was quite an experience.

7.  Do you think Spinelli will ever have a real relationship with a woman?

I hope so.  I think everyone understands that Spinelli does have a big heart.  Of course, whatever he does, humor will be mixed into it simply because that’s how it happens.  I hope he does have the opportunity to really explore a mutual relationship. Who knows to what extent it will be.  I think it’s maybe the next step for that character to get a better idea of who he is. 

8.  Do you watch your own work?

Sometimes.  When I watch it it’s very technical.  It’s like drawing a picture with your eyes closed, and then two weeks later someone shows it to you.    It’s kind of fascinating to watch, because from my inner eye it’s hard for me to see.   I try not to watch too much, because I don’t want to pick apart what I’m doing.  I want everything I do to be as organic as possible, but at the same time sometimes it’s fun to see how things actually went.  Because when you see them, it’s a lot different than when you actually were doing them.

9.  You’re on the Emmy pre-nomination list.  How does that feel?

I am.  It’s incredible because especially for the pre-nominations it’s all from your show.   It’s the people I respect and admire – my co-workers.  The pre-nomination is really gratifying, because it’s your peers saying, “We think you did something good this year,” and that’s really gratifying.

10.  Do people approach you in public – outside of the fan events?

Rarely … because we’re in Los Angeles, and no one cares (laughs).  In Los Angeles it’s not a big deal.  Even if they do recognize you, they’re like, “Oh, there’s that funny-looking kid from GH.”  They have no reason to talk to you, because Hugh Jackman will walk down the street next.  It’s not a novelty – they see people that they recognize all the time.  In New York and Los Angeles, they’re used to seeing people that they recognize.

11.  I love your version of Funny Valentine  - Is that the kind of music you like? 

I like all music.  I came from musical theater - singing standards, singing old Broadway - that is something I’m very comfortable doing.  That song particularly was interesting, because recording a song is very different than belting it to the back row.  I’ve never had the opportunity to nuance a love song like that.  I think it was an interesting choice.  The funny thing is, it’s one of the most depressing songs.  It’s not like a funny, happy song; it’s not a Spinelli song.  I’m not sure if that was intentional, or if they kind of just picked it because of the title.  It was new for me to do that too.  I’m used to doing comic up tempos.  I’m so thrilled that I got the opportunity to do that.

12.  I thought your performance on Broadway for the Broadway Cares AIDS Event was amazing.  You belong on the stage.  What was that like for you?

It was really cool just to kind of do a tribute to Lindsey.  I love being there.  I love being on the small screen too; that’s fun too.  The cool thing about our medium is that we have a lot of the freedom.  There’s a kinship to stage work in daytime that I really appreciate.

It’s always interesting to meet an actor from a daytime soap.  What really made this opportunity special for me was to learn how modest and grounded Bradford Anderson is.  He’s an incredibly talented and intelligent young man.


To learn more about Touched By A Star, visit

(Click on the photo for a high-resolution version)

Visit the Official Bradford Anderson Website!

Read all of Laurie Bedigian's celebrity interviews:

Melissa Archer (ex-Natalie, OLTL)  10/21/12
Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R)  11/20/11
Greg Cipes (JT, GH)  9/5/11
Colin Egglesfield (ex Josh, AMC)  9/4/11
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  12/13/09
Tim Gibbs (ex-Kevin, OLTL)  11/7/09
Louise Shaffer (Rae Woodard, Ryan's Hope)  10/23/09
Tobias Truvillion (Vincent, OLTL)  8/14/09
Brian Gaskill (Rafe, Port Charles; ex-Bobby, AMC)  7/24/09
Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL)  4/12/09
Senta Moses (Winnifred, GH)  2/15/09
Blake Gibbons (Coleman, GH)  12/5/08
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  11/23/08
Graham Shiels (Cody, GH)  11/19/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  4/5/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  1/11/08

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