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Hollywood Heights Main Page

Romance and deceit. Fame and heartbreak. Success and secrets. Welcome to Hollywood Heights, where they put the DRAMA in family drama. Follow Loren, an aspiring songwriter and straight-A high school student, as her life drastically changes. When Loren gets thrown into the spotlight suddenly, and meets her musical idol, Eddie Duran, nothing will ever be the same for anyone. The obstacles that come with life and fame become instantly apparent, but it's the strong bond between friends and family that help them all through.
  • Welcome to our site- The First Fan Site for the Nick soap Hollywood Heights!

  • Petition to bring the show back for a second season

  • We are still building this site, so check back! We have the episode guide started, transcripts, news, photos and much omre - just click on the buttons above...

"Hollywood Heights" airs on Teen Nick weeknights at 9/8c. The show finished its limited run but still airs in re-runs.

Watch the first five episodes on the official site!

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Page updated 8/19/14

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