Port Charles Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Trivia Quizzes Pages

PC Trivia Quizzes

Week of 9/10/01 - 9/21/01 (Week 2 of "Tempted")
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John

There are six episodes in this quiz (9/10/01 and 9/17/01-9/21/01). The usual rule of two questions per day doesn't apply.

1. Whom does Jack want to go out of town with him?

a. Livvie

b. Jamal

c. Chris

d. no one

2. Who is bitten by a snake?

a. Livvie

b. Lucy

c. Gabriela

d. Eve

3. What type of party does Lucy want to throw?

a. Christmas party

b. Halloween party

c. surprise wedding

d. both a. and c.

4. Where do Jack and Alison go to look for Livvie?

a. the lighthouse

b. the catacombs

c. Caleb's villa

d. the Recovery Room

5. Who doesn't think Eve should ignore her instincts?

a. Ian

b. Karen

c. Kevin

d. Lucy

6. Where does Eve take the baby?

a. to the hospital chapel

b. to Tirama Island

c. to the lighthouse

d. home

7. What spell does Lucy cast?

a. a love spell

b. a spell for evil to reveal itself

c. a spell of protection for Livvie

d. a spell of protection for Daniel

8. Where does Livvie go?

a. to the bike shop

b. to the lighthouse

c. to the hospital

d. to the catacombs

9. For how long had Ian been planning the baby's homecoming?

a. since he found out Eve was pregnant

b. since the baby was born

c. since he got Karen to sign the baby's release papers

d. since he kicked Michael out

10. What does Eve complain about?

a. her appearance

b. her housekeeping skills

c. Ian

d. Chris

Answers: 1. a  2. a  3.d  4.b  5.d  6.d  7.b  8.d  9.a  10. a

Page updated 8/23/14

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