Port Charles Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Trivia Quizzes Pages

PC Trivia Quizzes

Week of 7/16/01 - 7/20/01 (Week 7 of "Tainted Love")
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John

1. Who follows Jack to the river and sees his fangs?

a. Kevin

b. Lucy

c. Livvie

d. Alison

2. Who tells Kevin and Lucy that the man in the sketch is the same man to whom Livvie is drawn?

a. Jack

b. Alison

c. Livvie

d. Jamal

3. What gives Lucy the idea that Caleb could be a vampire?

a. The guy at the occult shop mentions that vampires are in Port Charles.

b. She has a dream warning her about vampires.

c. She sees a TV show about vampires.

d. She finds Jamal's books about vampirism.

4. What does Jamal do when he thinks Jack is a danger to Alison?

a. breaks a wooden stool to get a makeshift stake

b. grabs all the garlic bulbs from the kitchen

c. takes a canteen into a church and fills it with holy water

d. calls Livvie to see whether she knows where they are

5. Whom do Ian and Eve argue about?

a. Danny

b. Michael

c. Lucy

d. Kevin

6. Who pays Eve a surprise visit?

a. Gabriela

b. Lucy

c. Caleb

d. Colleen

7. Who breaks Livvie out of the guarded room at the hospital?

a. Jack

b. Alison

c. Chris

d. Caleb

8. Where is Livvie taken after leaving the hospital?

a. the catacombs

b. the lighthouse

c. the bike shop

d. the Barrington jet

9. Who makes Gabriela so mad that she bites him?

a. Frank

b. Chris

c. Joe

d. Emilio

10. What happens to Jack?

a. Kevin has him committed to the psych ward.

b. Chris injects him with a tranquilizer.

c. Caleb buries him alive.

d. Lucy throws holy water in his face.

Answers: 1. d  2. c  3.c  4.a  5.b  6.c  7.a  8.b  9.d  10. b

Page updated 8/23/14

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