Week of 1/8/01 - 1/12/01 (Week
6 of
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John
1. What does Scott advise Lucy to do?
a. confess to having altered the DNA
test results
b. head for a country with no
extradition agreement
c. keep her mouth shut and hope for the
d. let him cover for her
2. Where does Jack get $10,000?
a. He stole it from Chris.
b. Chris gave it to him.
c. He took out a loan.
d. One of his schemes paid off.
3. What does Livvie find when she gets
a. Chris is there, having broken in
b. The room is filled with fresh
c. Lucy and Kevin in a compromising
d. A note from Jack, saying to meet him
at the Recovery Room
4. Who tells Ian to back off and give
Eve time ?
a. Kevin
b. Karen
c. Gail
d. Scott
5. Why does the hit-and-run driver tell
Ian she hit Eve on purpose?
a. Because it's true
b. Because she's a pathological liar
c. Because she believes she's safer in
jail than on the outside
d. Because someone is blackmailing her
into making a false confession
6. Who drives Livvie home from the
police station?
a. Alison
b. Chris
c. Jack
d. Jamal
7. Where is Courtney?
a. in Port Charles
b. in Manhattan
c. in Paris
d. in Rome
8. What weapons do Frank and Karen wield in their
food fight?
a. cans of whipped cream
b. mustard and ketchup bottles
c. chocolate and butterscotch sauces
d. soft drink cans
9. Who wants to kill Arianna?
a. her family
b. her lover
c. her boss
d. her roommate
10. Who gets a surprise visit from Eve?
a. Lucy
b. Victor
c. Gabriela
d. Karen
Answers: 1. a 2. b 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.a
10. d