Week of 12/25/00 - 12/29/00 (Week
4 of
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John
Since this was a short week, the usual rule of
two questions per episode doesn't apply.
1. What is the code word Eve will use to
let Ian know she's safe?
a. Jake's
b. kamikaze
c. home
d. Christmas
2. Who complains about Livvie's attempts
to get Kevin and Lucy together?
a. Kevin
b. Victor
c. Alison
d. Jamal
3. Who manages to trip the silent alarm
at the nurses' station?
a. Karen
b. Colleen
c. Gabriela
d. Marcela
4. Who kills Harris?
a. Ian
b. Eve
c. one of his goons, who was really a
federal agent
d. one of his goons did it accidentally
5. Who arranged a romantic dinner for
Kevin and Lucy?
a. Victor
b. Mary
c. Lucy
d. Livvie
6. Where do Ian and Eve take shelter?
a. somewhere in the Thousand Islands
b. a cabin about 40 miles from home
c. a motel near where Harris was keeping
d. a hotel in Manhattan
7. What is on the VHS tape Lucy watches?
a. Eve and Ian together
b. Kevin and Eve's wedding
c. "It's a Wonderful Life"
d. soap operas
8. How does Chris get inside Livvie's room?
a. He pays a hotel employee to let him in.
b. He has a key that Livvie doesn't know about.
c. He breaks in.
d. He sneaks in when the room is being cleaned
and hides.
9. How do Ian and Eve get back to Port Charles?
a. in a rental car
b. in a police car
c. in a taxi
d. on a bus
10. Who gets hit by a car?
a. Eve
b. Colleen
c. Alison
d. Mary
Answers: 1. b 2. c 3.a 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.b 8.a 9.c
10. a .