Port Charles Trivia Quiz From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Trivia Quizzes Pages

PC Trivia Quizzes

Week of 12/18/00 - 12/22/00 (Week 3 of "Fate")
By Beth
Proofread and checked by John

1. What is Alison surprised to learn is expensive?

a. food

b. rent

c. tinsel

d. health insurance

2. Who tampers with the DNA report?

a. Lucy

b. Kevin

c. Colleen

d. Harris

3. Where does Lucy turn for answers regarding what to do about Kevin?

a. her crystal ball

b. the horoscope page

c. her deck of Tarot cards

d. a Magic 8 ball

4. What does Kevin do with the gift from Livvie?

a. proudly displays it in a safe location

b. throws it away

c. breaks it accidentally in a bout of rage

d. gives it back to her since he doesn't want it

5. Where does Kevin plan to go when he leaves Port Charles?

a. Atlanta

b. Boston

c. Chicago

d. Denver

6. What color is the dress Harris makes Eve wear?

a. red

b. black

c. purple

d. blue

7. What is Alison's new job?

a. hand-washing cars

b. delivering singing telegrams

c. a department store elf

d. baking muffins

8. What is Victor's going-away gift for Kevin?

a. a photo album

b. a party at the Recovery Room

c. a plane ticket to Port Charles

d. a puppy

9. How much does Alison's new job pay per hour?

a. $6

b. $8

c. $10

d. $12

10. What song does Ian hum as he dances with Eve?

a. "Winter Wonderland"

b. "The Rose"

c. "I'll Be Home for Christmas"

d. "I'm Not in Love"

Answers: 1. c  2. a  3.c  4.c  5.d  6.a  7.c  8.a  9.d  10. c .

Page updated 8/23/14

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