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Port Charles Puzzles Pages

PC Puzzles and Games

Who Said That? #3

Take a look at these memorable lines from "Time in a Bottle" and try to remember who said them.

1. "The kitchen's a disaster, I look pretty darned good in your robe, and I have a bag of peas as an accessory."

2. "Daddy wants to get your hard drive humming, fire up those integrated circuits -- at the very least, turn you on."

3. "Thank you for being so willing to grit your teeth and suffer my existence."

4. "I'm kind of busy. You know, it is fish stick Friday."

5. "You can call me Bobo."

6. "She came in for a consultation for a boob job!"

7. "And as for you, Chandler, I think 'chill' says it perfectly."

8. "Well, I'm looking forward to this about as much as a root canal."

9. "Please, did he really think that we were going to hide the tape in the cheesy poofs?"

10. "I hope you meant tae kwon do. Otherwise your only defense is going to be a deep knee bend."


Page updated 8/23/14

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