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Port Charles Puzzles Pages

PC Puzzles and Games

Star Match #2 Game

Match these Port Charles stars with some of their other roles/credits. For a greater challenge, try it without consulting the Internet Movie Database.


__ Vanessa Branch (Paige/Rebecca) A. Dharma and Greg, Drew Carey Show, Unstrung Heroes
__ Jay Bontatibus (Andy Capelli) B. Slaves to the Underground, Paranormal Borderline, Pandora's Clock
__ Kimberlin Brown (Rachel Locke) C. 7th Heaven, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Hellfire
__ Michael Easton (Caleb Morley) D. Another World, Fantasy Island, Diagnosis Murder
__ Beverly Garland (Estelle Reese) E. Sliders, The Prophet's Game, The Silencers
__ Brian Gaskill (Rafe Kovich) F. Diamond Hunters, What We Did That Night, Mutant X
__ Thorsten Kaye (Ian Thornhart) G. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Walker Texas Ranger, Young and Restless
__ Charles Keating (James Richfield) H. Awakenings, The Thomas Crown Affair, The Equalizer
__ Jon Robert Lindstrom (Kevin Collins) I. The Pretender, Models Inc, The Back Lot Murders
__ Julie Pinson (Eve Lambert) J. Collateral Damage, Dark Angel, Damien: Omen II
__ Erin Hershey Presley (Alison Barrington) K. Santa Barbara, Rocky Road, The Facts of Life Goes to Paris
__ Nicholas Pryor (Victor Collins) L. The Cell, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, John Q


A. Julie Pinson; B. Erin Hershey Presley; C. Beverly Garland; D. Kimberlin Brown; E. Thorsten Kaye; F. Michael Easton; G. Jay Bontatibus; H. Charles Keating; I. Brian Gaskill; J. Nicholas Pryor; K. Jon Robert Lindstrom; L. Vanessa Branch

Page updated 8/23/14

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