Port Charles Songs From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Songs Pages

PC Songs - We wrote these about the show!

"Goodbye, PC" - to the tune of "Goodbye to Love"

Original lyrics by Beth

I'll say goodbye, PC
The network never cared if it should live or die
Time and time again they interrupted or pre-empted
Or allowed affiliates to go without it
I couldn't seem to find it
So I made my mind up, there will be no ABC
And though it's not too easy
There will be no more Disney

I'll say goodbye, PC
There are no tomorrows for my favorite show
Time will never lose these bitter memories of the way the network
Treated all the cast and crew and fans
It never gave a damn
All my years of viewing ABC have reached an end
Interest in other soaps I can't even pretend
It will never be forgotten
I'll make sure as best I can

What was in the future is a mystery to us all
No one can predict the way the story would unfold
There may come a time when it will be on DVD
But for now that's it for me

And it's goodbye, PC
Bye, Disney

Page updated 8/21/14

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