Proofread and checked by
BethHow many times people said the name of the person they
were talking to: Monday 30, Tuesday 24, Wednesday 28, Thursday 16, Friday, 15,
Total: 113
Terms of endearment, titles, and other descriptions: Monday 60 (1 husband, 3 doctors, 9 moms, 2 mothers, 1 brother, 13 grandmas,
2 people, 1 man, 3 friends, 3 families, 1 grandmother, 4 patients, 2 guys, 1
civilian, 1 commissioner, 1 young man, 1 granddaughter, 1 honey, 1 girl, 1
nurse, 1 special boy, 1 baby, 1 cool lady, 1 woman, 1 sir, 1 girlfriend, 1 paper
pusher, 1 best friend), Tuesday 36 (2 people, 4 guys, 1 nurse, 1 paramedic, 1
person, 4 friends, 1 best friend, 1 chief resident, 2 teams, 1 man, 3 moms, 3
doctors, 1 girl, 3 Pizza Shack man, 1 bomb squad, 2 suspects, 2 wifes, 1
amazing guy, 1 twins, 1 family), Wednesday 31 (1 pal, 4 friends, 1 very special
man, 1 girl, 1 idiot, 1 daughter, 1 hardheaded fool, 2 guys, 1 monster, 1 sweet
pea, 1 philanthropist, 1 multibillionaire, 1 man, 3 doctors, 2 patients, 1
interns, 2 children, 1 child, 1 sweetheart, 1 pumpkinhead, 1 elephant, 1
Irishman, 1 woman), Thursday 30 (4 guys, 6 friends, 1 creep, 3 husbands, 1 woman,
2 bastards, 2 humans, 3 doctors, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 man, 1 son, 1 patients, 1
wife, 2 kids, 1 brood), Friday 30 (2 fools, 1 sweet pea, 2 friends, 1 human, 4
guys, 1 bastard, 3 fathers, 1 mother, 1 daddy, 1 police, 1 professional, 1
enemies, 2 people, 1 husband, 2 men, 1 liar, 1 people, 2 brothers, 1 adult, 1 my
sweet), Total: 187
Biggest offender of name using: Kevin (22)
How many times someone sayid "okay": Monday 15 (Mary 2, Joe
1, Lucy 2, Jamal 6, Jack 2, Alison 1, Gabby 1), Tuesday 14 (Gabby 1, Lucy 2, Livvie 2, Chris 5, Jack 3, Frank 1) Wednesday 10 (Eve 6, Gabby 1, Lucy 1, Joe 2)
Thursday 11, (Alison 8, Joe 1, Eve 2), Friday 14 (Jamal 1, Alison 1, Gabby 1,
Lucy 2, Karen 1, Eve 1, Ian 1, Livvie 1, Chris 1, Kevin 1, Frank 1, Joe 1,
Scott 1), Total: 64
Who said "okay" the most: Alison (10)
Number of times someone told someone else what to do: Monday 29, Tuesday
12, Wednesday 39, Thursday 9, Friday 2, Total 91
Number of episodes for each contract actor:
Alex Mendoza - 5
Julie Pinson - 4
Thorsten Kaye - 4
Kelly Monaco - 4
Ion Overman - 4
Lynn Herring - 4
Jon Lindstrom - 4
Brian Presley - 3
Jay Pickett - 3
Kiko Ellsworth - 2
Erin Hershey - 2
Marie Wilson - 2
Nolan North - 2
Kin Shriner - 1
Page updated 9/9/11
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