Casey Leong
Played by Joy Bisco

By Beth
Proofread by John
Occupation: Guardian angel
Recent known associates:
Lucy Coe
Collins, Ian Thornhart,
Elizabeth Barrington, Ricky Garza, Reese Black,
Jack Ramsey,
Rafe Kovich,
Joshua Temple, Frank Scanlon
Affiliation: Angel
Bio in brief: Died of
accidental overdose. Hit town with two other guardian candidates. Fell in
love with Ricky Garza. Earned status as guardian after saving Ricky's life.
Returned on assignment to protect Ricky from vampires. Sent twin sister
Marissa away with no knowledge of Port Charles. Had prophetic visions of
Lucy Coe Collins in a casket. Headstrong and insecure. Vulnerable to Ricky's
advances. Helped ensure Lucy's survival. Helped Karen Wexler cross over
after fatal accident. Returned to set Ricky straight about his life and his
image of her. Said final goodbye to Ricky.
Page updated 9/8/11
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