Stan Johnson - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Stanford "Stan" Johnson
Played by Gomez Warren, 2003–2006; Karim Prince; 2006–2007; Kiko Ellsworth, 2007

Gomez Warren as StanKarim Prince as StanKiko Ellsworth as Stan

Stan was a computer and electronics whiz who worked for Sonny Corinthos.  Stan had no problem working for a mobster, but he was not a bad guy.  Stan liked to fight for the little guy.  He tried to organize a union strike at the hospital.  Stan and his mother, Epiphany, did not get along.  She didn't like him working for Sonny and Jason.  She kept trying to fix him up with women, particularly African-American ones.  Epiphany is a nurse at General Hospital, and Stan worked there for awhile. Stan  briefly dated Dr. Lainey Winters and had sex with Dr. Kelly Lee.  Stan was not happy to see Damien Spinelli, another computer geek, get involved with Jason and Sonny, because he feared that he would take his place.  Stan was killed in January 2008 while in Florida on business by a mobster rival of Jason's.

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