Lainey Winters - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Dr. Louise "Lainey" Winters
Played by Kent Masters King


Lainey is a dedicated psychiatrist.  She is good with her patients, even difficult ones like Sonny Corinthos, who came to her for his bipolar disorder.  She used to share an apartment with gal-pals Robin and Kelly. Robin moved out to move in with her boyfriend, Patrick, who later became her husband.  The three girls and their other friends used to go out to Jake's to have tequila shots, sometimes do karaoke, and let off steam.

Lainey has not been lucky in love.  She was involved with Stan, who worked for Sonny until he was killed in a mob hit in 2007.  She dated Justus, but he was killed before they had a real chance together.  Her career and her family have taken up most of her focus.  Lainey had a father with Alzheimer's who lived in a rest home, but her patient Cody Paul, an Iraq veteran, killed him for her (as a mercy killing).

SOAPnet described her as: "a therapist who helps patients face their demons even though she can't face any of her own. When Lainey encounters a troubled war veteran she questions whether he's in need of therapy sessions or her prescription pad. Lainey will test her abilities as a shrink while battling truths regarding her own family life."

Lainey helped Lulu, Carly and Elizabeth when each of them were at Shadybrook with breakdowns, and she helped her pal Robin when she had post-partum depression. She herself lived in a sanitarium for awhile.

Lainey was not given a lot of story on the show. She was last seen in 2010 but is still mentioned occasionally on the show as if she's still there as a doctor.

Proofread by Laura on 11/23/10

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