Elizabeth Webber - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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Elizabeth Webber
Played by Rebecca Herbst
by Jenn R.

Elizabeth started out as a "bad girl" but was lately, she has mostly been Port Charles’ resident victim. In her years in Port Charles, Elizabeth has suffered through bad relationships and numerous medical mishaps, among other things. As a teenager she dealt with every woman’s worst nightmare when she was raped in a park on the way home from a school dance. The rape changed Elizabeth and forced her to deal with serious emotional issues. Some closure was finally found when she learned the identity of her rapist and the man was arrested.

Elizabeth was "bad" in comparison to her sister, Sarah. She liked to cause trouble and had a rocky relationship with her family. After the rape, she became "good" and fell for Lucky.

Elizabeth experienced love early in her life with Lucky Spencer. Her relationship with Lucky showed viewers how loving, loyal, and caring Elizabeth could be. Unfortunately, Elizabeth suffered through another hardship when Lucky was killed in a fire. Filled with grief and confused about her life, Elizabeth found comfort with Jason Morgan. Viewers immediately saw how Elizabeth could change a person’s life when she got Jason Morgan to open up to her. Her effect on people is one of a kind. They are still good friends even now.

Relationships came and went, and although Elizabeth never had an enemy, one might think she did based on the things that have happened to her and the time she has spent in a hospital. From being shot to being struck by a hit and run driver to having a husband who poisoned her, Elizabeth has fought through it all. One would think that mishaps like these would damage a person’s spirit and ruin them, but that’s not the case with Elizabeth.

Now a mother, Elizabeth has turned her life around. She is committed to her sons, works hard at her nursing job, and is ready to love again. Viewers have fallen in love with her sweet, caring, innocent personality, and she is sure to be a mainstay for years to come.

Elizabeth had her first son, Cameron, by a one-night stand with Zander. They had been good friends before that.  Then later she had a son, Jake, after a one-night stand with Jason. Lucky came back to town (not really dead) and he helped to raise her sons.  They were together for a long time until Lucky became addicted to drugs and took up with Maxie.  Elizabeth also had a brief affair with Lucky's brother, Nikolas, and she had her son Aiden.  Tragically, Jake was killed in a horrible car accident.  They found out that Aiden was really Lucky's son and not his brother's. However, she and Lucky just could not get back together, and he left town after his fiance Siobhan was murdered in 2011.

Elizabeth was rescued from drowning from a mysterious new doctor, Ewen.  Both he and Doctor Matt Hunter have been vying for her affections.

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