Lucky Spencer - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Lucky Spencer
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Detective Spencer of the Port Charles Police Department is the first child of Luke and Laura Spencer. Though his intentions are honorable, evil seems destined to cross his path. Lucky has his father's sense of adventure and his mother’s sensibility. Although his relationship with his mother is stable, he has a rather tumultuous history with his father. Much of his early life with his parents was spent on the run from mobster Frank Smith. 

Lucky has two siblings: an older half-brother, Prince Nikolas Cassadine, and a younger sister, Leslie Lu Spencer (known as Lulu). Nikolas and Lucky met when their baby sister needed a bone marrow transplant. Before that, Lucky did not even know that he had a brother.  Immediately, they became entangled in the Spencer/Cassadine hostility. Over time, they grew close and agreed that the feud would end with them.  Later, Lucky found out that he had another brother, Ethan, from Luke's affair with Holly. Ethan is a good person but not as clean cut or honest as Lucky. He's more like Luke: a con artist and thief.

After moving to Port Charles when he was still pretty young, Lucky was good friends with Robin Scorpio and Emily Quartermaine. His dog Foster was dating Emily's dog, Annabelle, and they had puppies. He was also friends with his cousin Sly Eckert for a time.

Elizabeth Webber has been the love of Lucky’s life. As teens, friendship grew into love as Lucky helped Elizabeth recover from rape. They pledged their lives to each other in an abandoned church. Their love survived separation, such as when Lucky was thought to be dead. It survived while he was kidnapped and then brainwashed by Helena Cassadine.

Over the years, Lucky was romantically linked to Sarah Webber, Summer Holloway, and Emily Quartermaine. Lucky and Elizabeth managed to remain friends until they fell in love again while planning Nikolas and Emily’s wedding. Lucky and Elizabeth were married, and Lucky is step-father to Cameron, her son with Zander Smith.  Later, Elizabeth had Jake, who was really mobster Jason's child, but they raised him as Lucky's so that no one would target Jake. Later, Elizabeth had another child, Aiden. They though it was Nikolas' son, but eventually they figured out that Aiden is Lucky's son.

Lucky has had his share of difficult times, such as when he was near death after having been shot while saving Emily. He severely injured his back while trying to save Elizabeth. After his surgery ,he became addicted to pain killers. His actions caused him to lose his family and friends. He completed rehabilitation and was reinstated to the police force. He took up with Maxie for a time, and that's when Elizabeth had her one-night stand with Jason. Later, she also had an affair with Nikolas, which broke up their marriage. 

Lucky and Elizabeth consoled each other when their son Jake was killed in a tragic accident. They clearly still had feelings for each other. Lucky got hooked on drugs while undercover, and Elizabeth helped him get clean again. He was engaged to Siobhan, but she was murdered.  Even though they still had feelings for each other, Lucky left town in 2011.

Lucky is strong, loyal, usually trustworthy, and a good person. He seemed to be the opposite of his father, Luke, who has no trouble breaking the law, lying, drinking, or doing whatever he pleases.  Luke was very disappointed when Lucky joined the police force because he does not trust cops.  Lucky seemed to take more after this mother, Laura.  It wasn't until Lucky's drug addiction that less admirable characteristic came out, such as lying, cheating, and stealing.  He was basically the archetypal good guy until then, and then he returned to being the good guy later on.

Lucky and his father had a huge fight after Jake's death when it was discovered that Luke had run over the toddler. Lucky tried to get Luke to admit that his drinking was the cause. Luke didn't really admit it, and instead he left town. He did cut down on his drinking, though. Luke and Lucky managed to mend fences after a while.

Proofread by Laura on 11/23/10

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