Emily Quartermaine - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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Emily Bowen Quartermaine
by Jenn R.
Played by Amber Tamblyn and Natalia Livingston

Emily Bowen Quartermaine was first introduced to General Hospital as a reluctant young girl recently adopted by the Quartermaine family. Viewers saw Emily become a depressed teen who turned to drugs and alcohol. It took awhile, but Emily soon saw the error of her ways and turned her life around. 

Emily was adopted by Alan and Monica after her mother Paige died of breast cancer. Monica had known her mother through her own breast cancer treatments.  Emily's adopted brothers were Jason and AJ. Edward and Lila were her grandparents. Everyone welcomed her to the family. Alan's own addiction to pain killers helped Emily through her drug addiction.
Emily also experienced young love when she formed a crush on Nikolas Cassadine. Viewers could all relate to Emily’s puppy love feelings and the disappointment she felt when Nikolas did not return her feelings. Emily experienced her ups and downs during her teenage years. From being blackmailed to helping cover up an undercover cop’s murder, somehow Emily was able to make it through. Many times viewers have seen the strong relationship she has with her friends – Lucky Spencer, Elizabeth Webber, and Nikolas Cassadine. There was a time when these four were inseparable. 
As she had when she first arrived, Emily showed her rebellious streak yet again when she fell for her kidnapper, Zander Smith. Emily proved the point that you can’t help who you love when she gave Zander a chance to show her what he was really like. Emily’s relationship with Zander had many obstacles – one of the biggest was when she became paralyzed after a train accident and was forced to leave Zander for a rehab facility. This marked the point in the show where actress Amber Tamblyn left the role. Amber did an amazing job at portraying Emily through her childhood and teenage years. She truly made Emily a character that we could all somehow relate to. 
Two years after Emily left for rehab, she returned a changed woman. Now being played by Natalia Livingston, Emily was trying to deal with one of life’s biggest hurdles – breast cancer. Thinking about her biological mother’s death from the same disease, Emily was convinced she would die. Viewers watched her as she struggled through the emotions and even refused to get treatment. Pushing aside her own wants and showing how selfless she could be, Emily gave up on Zander and pretended to be in love with Nikolas to save her former love from the pain of watching someone with cancer. With Nikolas’s help, Emily found the strength to fight the cancer and not give up on life. Her new found hope helped her get through some of the roughest times. Her love for Nikolas (and the love he returned) helped her come back from a close call with death. 

Emily was briefly involved with Nikolas' brother, Lucky, and then later, Sonny Corinthos. She helped him with his bi-polar disorder. Eventually, she and Nikolas reunited.
As she became one of the strongest and most independent women on the show, Emily proved time and again that she has what it takes to overcome any obstacle, even rape by Connor, and cancer, and the death of her beloved father Alan.

Emily and Nikolas were to be remarried in 2009.  Unfortunately, Emily died when she was strangled by the Text Message Killer, Diego, at a Halloween ball. Nikolas had a brain tumor and it helped him to still see Emily and communicate with her as if she were real.  Eventually, he had an operation to remove the tumor and stopped seeing her. Emily's twin sister Rebecca came to town later that year, but then she moved away to Paris.

Proofread by Laura on 12/20/10

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