Cameron Webber - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Cameron Alexander Webber Spencer
Played by
Braden Walkes
By Laurie

Little Cameron (Cam) is the son of Elizabeth Webber and Zander Smith.  Cameron is the stepson of Lucky Spencer, who raised him.  He was also big brother to Jake Spencer.  Cameron’s grandfather is Dr. Jeff Webber.  Cameron’s great grandmother is Audrey Hardy.  His great grandfather was Dr. Steve Hardy. His uncle is Steve Webber.

Cameron was an unexpected but welcome surprise.  Liz and Zander never really had anything more than a friendship.  A night of comfort between friends turned into a sexual encounter between them.  Nine months later, Cameron was born on June 18, 2004.  Zander was shot and killed by the police without ever seeing his child.

Cameron started a fire in 2008, even though his mother had warned him about playing with matches, almost killing his brother Jake.  In 2010, his family moved in with Nikolas at Wyndemere, and then they moved to California with their Aunt Sarah for a while before moving back to Port Charles.

In late 2010, Cameron went on a ski trip with many other children, and some adults (including his uncle Steve) and the bus crashed on the way there. He was not hurt, though.

Cameron will be 8 years old this year.  He’s a bright and active child.  Cameron has been through a lot of changes.  His mom and stepdad divorced, forcing Cameron to adjust to a new home.  His brother, Jake, was killed in a car accident. They were close, so he is sure to feel the loss for years to come.

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Page updated 5/1/12

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