Justus Ward - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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Justus Ward 
Played by Joseph C. Phillips/Monti Sharp/M’fundo Morrison
by Jenn R.

Justus Ward came to Port Charles in 1994 to attend his father’s memorial service. A lawyer, Justus interacted with many different people on the Port Charles scene. As Edward Quartermaine’s grandson, Justus was brought on as an ELQ attorney early on, and viewers could see the skill and promise the young man had. Another side was shown when he allowed good friend Laura to take the blame for a murder he had committed. To save himself, Justus was willing to give up close friendships, friendships that never went back to what they once were.

Realizing how the Quartermaines were corrupting him and turning him into something different, Justus left ELQ and became an attorney for Sonny Corinthos. This action caused many of Port Charles’ citizens to look down on Justus and see him solely as “the mobster’s attorney”. Justus was able to climb the ranks and eventually was elected District Attorney. Here he was able to show his strengths as a lawyer and his intelligence.

Justus was in love with Dr. Simone for a while, but her son was against them being together.  He also dated fellow attorney Dara for a long time, but she became interested in cop Marcus Taggert, and he became Dara's boss when he was D.A., which made things uncomfortable.

Justus was the talk of the town again when he went back to being Sonny’s attorney after resigning as District Attorney. During this time, a loving side of Justus was shown when he explored a relationship with Faith Rosco. Showing that love doesn’t judge, Justus cared a lot about Faith despite the fact that she was a criminal and former mob wife. Justus continued to work hard to defend the people of Port Charles regardless of whether they were guilty or not. 

Justus also had a brief relationship with Dr. Lainey Winters, but they didn't have much time together.  Mobster Manny Ruiz killed Justus in 2006; he was trying to kill Jason.

Proofread by Laura on 12/28/10

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