Damien Spinelli - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) By Suzanne

Damian Spinelli

Always known as "Spinelli" and not usually by his first name Damian, Spinelli is what most people would call a "character."  He uses a lot of unusual words and phrases. He is a computer geek, dresses funny, and talks a mile a minute.  On top of all that, he has nicknames for everyone and even refers to himself in the third person as "The Jackal." He provides a lot of humor on the show.  Spinelli is sometimes very naive, but in other times he can be very wise when he observes others.  He is a good, caring, and loyal person, and he is shy around girls.  He falls in love very easily.

Jason Morgan took Spinelli under his wing, sort of like a little brother, even though Spinelli's endless chattering gets on his nerves.  Spinelli had a big crush on Sam and Lulu as well as on Nadine.  Spinelli used to work for Lorenzo Alcazar, where he got in over his head.  Alcazar hired him for some computer work that made Jason look back. Spinelli was just doing it for the money and didn't know any of the people.  Jason forgave Spinelli and has saved his life.

Spinelli was raised by his grandmother, who lives in Tennessee. We don't know of any other family he may have.

Spinelli proved himself to be more than just a nuisance to Sonny and Jason because of his computer skills and his unflagging loyalty. He works with Sam as a private detective. He's had an on-again and off-again relationship with Maxie. They love each other, but one thing or another has always kept them apart.

Spinelli was shot in the head in 2011 and for a time, he thought he was a Sam Spade-like PI "The Jackal". He forgot how to use the computer. He still hasn't completely regained all of his skills in that area, but he's a good PI.

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Page updated 4/24/12

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