Sam McCall - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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Sam McCall
Played by Kelly Monaco
by Jenn R.

Salvage boat captain, thief and con artist Sam McCall, played by Port Charles alum Kelly Monaco, came to General Hospital in October 2003 to steal the “Dead Man’s Hand” from Jax. As a thief, Sam showed off her tough side and her independent nature. Refusing to give up, Sam fought as hard as she could to get the cards needed to complete the hand. Things changed when Jax and Sam fell for each other. However, these feelings didn’t last long, and Sam was back to her scheming ways, causing pain for others, especially Jax. After the struggle for the cards was over, Sam became a witness to an attempted mob hit by Sonny Corinthos.

Sonny and Sam soon started to have an affair, and Sam became pregnant. Sam showed a gentler, kinder side of herself when she agreed to move in with Jason Morgan to help keep Sonny’s family intact. When her daughter died after being born, viewers saw Sam struggle through a pain she had never felt before. Torn up inside because of the loss of her daughter, Sam looked for someone to blame. She also looked for someone to help her during this difficult time. Known to many as a strong, independent woman, it was different to see Sam depending on Jason Morgan to help her sort out her emotions. Her relationship with Jason soon became more and the two became engaged in 2005.

Sam found out in 2006 that she was adopted and that Alexis is her real mom. She loves having her mom to confide in, and new sisters Molly and Kristina.

Sam and Jason broke up a few times. In 2006, Sam slept with Ric, Alexis's husband.  She was with Lucky briefly in 2007. Sam and Jason were friends even when they were broken up and still worked together when there were mysteries to be solved and friends to save. They finally get back together in 2009, but they are kept apart by many things and people, including Franco; Claudia; Kiefer's abuse of Kristina; Jason going to jail; and then Brenda's return.

Sam looked into getting pregnant with some fertility reconstruction, but she and Jason decided that their lives are too dangerous for children. However, there are a few times she thought that she might be pregnant. Sam was injured in an explosion and lost her hearing for a while. Later, she was a suspect when Jake was run over by a car.

Sam stood by Jason, even when he has had many brain problems related to his car injury. Sam was a liar and thief when she first came to town, but Jason's love helped turn her into an honest person. Jason doesn't put up with lying, so they are usually honest with each other. They work great together because they are equal partners. Sam can hold her own in a fight and doesn't mind that Jason has a dangerous job or breaks the law. She has her own PI business and often helps Jason when he needs it.

Although Sam’s image has softened somewhat since the death of her daughter, viewers can still count on her to be tough, angry, and to defend anyone she cares about who is in trouble. Extremely loving, loyal, and also independent, Sam McCall is a character daytime viewers have come to know and love.

Sam and Jason went through many problems and break-ups before they finally were married in 2011. Sam had tried to have a baby for years but finally got pregnant in 2011/2012. However, the baby appears to be that of Jason's psycho-killer twin, Franco, who raped Sam.

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Page updated 4/24/12

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