Epiphany Johnson - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Epiphany Johnson
Played by Sonya Eddy
By Laurie

Head nurse, Epiphany Johnson, is one tough cookie.  She is serious and passionate about her job.  Epiphany expects her staff to be as dedicated as she is.  She refuses to accept anything less than perfection from anyone.  Epiphany demands perfection and respect from her co-workers.  She worked well with Dr. Lainey Winters.  She tends to be very authoritative to the doctors, like Patrick Drake, Robin Scorpio, and Leo Julian.  She cracks the whip with young nursing students Leyla, Regina, and Jolene.  It’s hilarious to see her intimidate characters like Noah Drake and Jason Morgan.  They seem genuinely and respectfully afraid of her.   Epiphany doesn’t usually let her personal life interfere with her job.  She expects the same from the hospital staff.

Epiphany has great respect for music and musicians.   For a while, she took a liking to Toussaint, the janitor.   Epiphany became interested in Toussaint when she found out that he was in the classic band, The Saints.  They had a short relationship until he left town.

Epiphany had a son, Stan Johnson.  Much to her dismay, Stan worked for Sonny Corinthos.  Epiphany was disappointed in her son’s chosen career.  Her hope was that Stan would become a doctor.  Stan was a bit of a rebel, so he and his mom disagreed on just about everything.  Epiphany tried to fix Stan up with Dr. Winters.  Stan was killed by another mobster in 2007. Epiphany had a heart attack when she received his ashes, but they were able to save her life.

Epiphany is a funny, blunt, and honest person.  She literally tells it like it is.  Epiphany is a total scene-stealer.  Hopefully, we will continue to learn more about this colorful character.

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Page updated 5/1/12

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