Leyla Mir - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Leyla Mir
Played by Nazanin Boniadi


Here is the description from General Hospital: Night Shift: "Highly motivated, Iranian-born student nurse who clashes with Robin.  A stunning student nurse that makes everyone's head turn. Leyla doesn't mind stepping on the toes of Dr. Robin Scorpio to get the fix of her nightly flirtation with Robin's boyfriend Dr. Patrick Drake. Before long her fellow student nurses notice that Leyla's not as attached to her future as a nurse." She seemed to be a capable nurse, but the men really liked her and flirted with her (especially Patrick).  Nurse Jolene made a comment to fellow student nurse Regina that all of the doctors want to sleep with Leyla.

After that show was over, Leyla was seen for a long while on General Hospital. She fell for Patrick, but he was trying to make things work with Robin. She had sex with Dr. Ian Devlin to make him jealous, but it didn't work. Leyla was killed with the bio-toxin that was let loose in the hospital in 2009.

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Page updated 4/29/12

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