Gia Campbell - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Gia Campbell
Played by Marisa Ramirez and Andrea Pearson

Gia Campbell, younger sister of Marcus Taggert, came to Port Charles several years ago, making all kinds of trouble for the PC teens.  Gia started out blackmailing Emily after she found out some information.  Nikolas paid Gia off whenever money was demanded to keep pal Emily safe. Eventually, the four friends:  Nikolas, Elizabeth, Lucky, and Emily tracked down Gia and demanded to know everything she knew.  They forced her to help them protect Emily by helping them uncover the real story behind what happened to a murdered man.

Gia's smart mouth and bad attitude started her on the bad side of Nikolas. Later, Nik admitted that he was falling for Gia.  She moved into his cottage strictly as a "room renter", except that she never paid rent, something they always teased each other about.

Gia was an aspiring model, and when Nikolas's mother, Laura, bought a cosmetics company with Carly Corinthos, Gia was given her chance to model by Carly.  She had competition from Elizabeth Webber and would not have been made "Face of Deception" if Carly had not locked Laura out of the party that named their new face model.  Gia lightened up her "It's all about me" attitude when she and Nikolas fell in love.

Gia and Nikolas moved into the Cassadine mansion where Nikolas proposed to her against the wishes of her mother and her brother.  She accepted the proposal, and they began planning their wedding.

The making it big model decided to give up her modeling career to devote her time to her fiancee.  Gia decided she would go back to law school, as she dropped out of Columbia.  She began working as an assistant to Alexis Davis, one of the top lawyers in Port Charles.

Gia started getting closer to Zander Smith, and Nikolas didn't like that.  The friends became a bigger and bigger problem for Nikolas, and he attempted to pay Zander to leave town and stay away from Gia.  He refused and when Gia found out what Nikolas was up to she was furious.  She told Nikolas there was too much of a change in him, and he was no longer the man she was once in love with.  Gia handed Nikolas back the engagement ring and kissed him before walking away and out of his life.

Gia tried to get info to help Alexis get her baby back, by working with Zander and his father Cameron.  Gia tried to get access to Scott Baldwin and his office, so she pretended to want an internship with him, as a law student.  When Emily came back to town, Gia's relationship with Zander suffered. She supported Emily through her breast cancer ordeal and then faded out of the show as they concentrated on the Zander/Emily/Nikolas relationship.

They never really developed Gia's character very much. It's a real shame because it was great for Taggert to have a family for a while and a little bit of story.

Proofread by Laura on 12/28/10

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