Hollywood Heights Cast List From The TV MegaSite

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Hollywood Heights Cast List Page

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Eddie Duran - Cody Longo
Loren Tate - Brittany Underwood
Melissa Sanders - Ashley Holliday
Tyler Rorke - Justin Wilczynski
Chloe Carter - Melissa Ordway
Jake Madsen - Brandon P Bell
Phil Sanders - Robert Adamson
Adriana Masters - Haley King
Nora Tate - Jama Williamson
Lisa Sanders - Meredith Salenger
Max Duran - Carlos Ponce
Gus Sanders - Brian Letscher
Traci Madsen - Shannon Kane
Don Masters - Grayson McCouch


Adam - Nick Krause
Joe Gable - James Shanklin
Kelly - Yara Martinez
Lily - Tina Huang
Colorado - Rick Otto
Osbourne Silver - James Franco
Ellie - Merrin Dungey
Steven - Joe Reegan
Ian - Eric Tiede
Smith - David Lim
Cheryl - Laura Niemi
Jackie Kowalski - Daphne Ashbrook
Principal Nolan - Mandy June Turpin
MK Club Bouncer - Noel Arthur
Chris - West Liang
Grace - Brianne Davis
Ericka - Susie Abromeit
Ben - Kurt Collins
Tatum Deveraux - John Griffin
Photographer - Nedal Yousef

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