Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Autumn in Oyster
A Love Story
Chapter 6
Izzy was true to her word: when she joined a party, she JOINED a party!
Or more accurately, she somehow became the center of it. After a couple
of glasses of chilled French white wine, the few inhibitions that she actually
had were gone, and Izzy and an also-inebriated (courtesy of several French
beers, in his case) Jax ended up dancing an elegant swing in the sand to
some jazzy Forties-era music, sans shoes... and all the while, Ned watched
from the sidelines with a barely hidden smile on his face: things were
going perfectly, in his plan. Izzy would be helping with the venture in
Port Charles after all. Ned began to make a few calls, looking for a rental
property for her in the lake district, as Izzy reveled in her privacy, and
would never countenance taking up residence at the Quartermaine estate,
comfortable and near the lake it might be...
The clambake went on until three in the morning, and Izzy
and Jax shared every moment of it, drinking French wine and beer,
eating roasted oysters, dancing, and flirting with one another to the
exclusion of everyone else there. It seemed to any onlookers that they were
the only two individuals on the shore... and all the while, the unobtrusive cousin,
Ned, watched and smiled. Everything was falling into picture-perfect
When at last they were alone on the shore, Izzy reached over and took
Jax's hand in hers, and they silently walked to her farmhouse, and
wordlessly climbed the stairs to her loft. While there were no words, the
passion in their lovemaking was deafening.
The next morning, over café-au-lait and beignets and Samson's endless
chattering, Jax asked Izzy to come to Port Charles. Ostensibly, it was to
avail himself of her public relations skill for his business venture with
Ned, but in reality it was because he was falling in love with her, and
could not bear to be away from her at this stage of their relationship.
For her part, Izzy was much more agreeable about returning to public
relations than she had ever been in her life. All because of Jax... and all
the while, Ned was smiling.
Izzy packed up her art supplies and unpacked (out of mothballs) her
public relations wardrobe. She frequently fancied white suits; with her
auburn hair, the effect was quite stunning.
Ned managed to look surprised when Jax revealed the news that Izzy would
be returning to Port Charles with them to assist in their business venture
and casually offered to find Izzy a rental property for use while she was
there, an offer which was readily accepted. As luck (and Ned's careful
planning) would have it, Izzy's next-door neighbor was none other than one
Jasper Jacks, corporate raider.
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Page updated 8/31/12