Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Autumn in Oyster
A Love Story
Chapter 7
Izzy's new home was a cozy
cottage overlooking the lake. Just as she was settling in and starting to
unpack her things, there was a knock at the door.
"Delivery for Miss Morgan. Sign
here please," the delivery man said, holding a vase of flowers.
"They're beautiful. Thank you,"
Izzy said, taking the vase from him. It was a mixture of red and pink roses and
pink lilies. As he drove away and Izzy went back inside, she opened the card.
They were from Jax, with a simple message: To many more...
She smiled, thinking of their
night together. Yes, she hoped there would be many more.
Sampson had made the trip to Port
Charles with her, and was now chattering in his cage happily. He liked Jax,
which was just another recommendation for Jax as far as Izzy was concerned.
She'd barely had time to turn
around, when the doorbell rang again.
"Well, hello, stranger," Izzy
said as she opened the door….to Jax!
"Hello, yourself, beautiful," Jax
said, smiling his lazy grin. "I came over to see if there was anything you
needed before the press conference tomorrow?"
"Was that the only reason that
you came?" Izzy wanted to know.
"No. I came for this as well," he
said, drawing her into a kiss.
Much better, Izzy thought to
herself. They shared one kiss, then another, then another. Finally Izzy found
herself having to disentangle herself from Jax's arms, so that they could
discuss business.
"Would you like some wine?" she
asked, as he followed her into the kitchen.
"Love some. So...are you ready
for the press conference tomorrow?"
"Basically, although there are
some of the finer points that I wanted to run through with either you or Ned."
"I'm available," he grinned,
stretching out on the sofa with his glass of wine.
"So you are," she grinned,
sitting down in a chair opposite him, so that she could concentrate. "Shall we
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Page updated 4/24/13