Trevor Lansing - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Trevor Lansing
Played by Stephen Macht
Written by

Trevor was a very successful attorney from New York. He was also the estranged father of Port Charles District Attorney Ric Lansing. Trevor was fearless, arrogant, intelligent, and sarcastic and a bit of a womanizer from way back.  He had no redeeming qualities.

Trevor represented the powerful New York mob boss Anthony Zacchara.  Trevor had little, if any, relationship with his son, Ric. Trevor and Ric didn’t see eye to eye on anything. As far as Trevor was concerned, Ric was inept and a failure. He seemed to genuinely dislike his son. At one point, he hired a woman named Marianna to make Ric fall in love with her, just to get a deed to some property that Ric owned.

Trevor hated Sonny. Years ago, Trevor had a relationship with Sonny’s mother.  Trevor blamed Sonny for the end of that relationship. Trevor was trying to use his connection to Anthony Zacchara to bring Sonny to his knees.  Trevor also had a past connection to Kate Howard; they were lovers, years ago.  Trevor was extremely jealous of Kate’s friendship with Sonny. 

Trevor turned out to be in control of Anthony's crime empire while Anthony was crazy. He helped cover up the fact that Anthony shot Kate on her wedding day while pretending to be paralyzed. In 2008, Ric finally confronted his father for everything he did, but Trevor just continued to ignore and reject him. It was also revealed that year that he had raped Claudia when she was a teen.

During the bio-toxin outbreak and explosion at GH in 2009, Trevor left Anthony to die, chained to his bed.  Later, Trevor fell off the roof in the middle of a fight with Sam. It was a fitting end to a particularly nasty character. It was only the charm and great acting skills of Stephen Macht that made us want to see Trevor at all.

Proofread by Laura on 1/18/11

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