Kate Howard - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Kate Howard / Connie Falconeri
Played by Megan Ward / Kelly Sullivan

By Laurie

Kate was first introduced as the editor in chief of Couture, a high-fashion magazine based in Manhattan. Later, she lost Couture, so she started her own magazine, Crimson, in Port Charles.

When we first met Kate, she barged into Sonny’s office at home and asked to use the phone.  She was pushy, arrogant, and a bit rude.  She was really full of herself.  Kate definitely needed an attitude adjustment.

On the outside, Kate Howard is self-assured, motivated, and independent.  She dresses beautifully and carries herself with poise and confidence.  There is never a hair out of place or a wrinkle in her clothing.

We started to see that Kate has some vulnerability. We now know that Kate has a number of insecurities and issues.  First, she is embarrassed about her family roots and her childhood.  Kate is from Sonny’s hometown of Bensonhurst, New York.  Her real name is Connie Falconeri.  She didn’t grow up wealthy or privileged, but she always wanted to be successful. 

After she left home, Kate went to college. She went to great lengths to reinvent Connie and made a new life for herself by legally changing her name and creating a fake background to hide her past.

Kate has been trying to come to terms with her former life.  She’s reconnected with her former love Sonny, but there are clearly some unresolved feelings between them.  It’s obvious that Kate really cares for Sonny.  She feels guilty about having left him to pursue her dreams, and she often wonders if Sonny’s life would have been different if she had stayed with him.  Kate’s even started to bond with Sonny’s kids and though she is unable to swim, she saved Morgan from drowning in her pond. As far as we know, Kate isn’t related to any other Port Charles residents.  It was revealed that she had a past love affair with Trevor Lansing, Ric's father and Anthony's lawyer.

Kate and Sonny grew close, and they were to be married. Sonny flew in her old friend Olivia from Bensonhurst for the wedding. He was trying to surprise her, but Olivia resented the fact that Kate left the old neighborhood and rejected her family and friends from there. They have been on-again, off-again friends.

Anthony Zacchara shot Kate, trying to hit Sonny, at the altar.  Sonny and Kate broke up while she was recovering from her gunshot. He was angry and a bit unhinged for a while.

When Jax left town, he sold his half of the Port Charles Hotel to Kate. She already has her Crimson offices there.  She and Carly don't get along.  Maxie works for Kate at Crimson. Lulu used to work for her as well. Kate is apparently a very tough and demanding boss.

Kate's only other romantic relationship on the show was with Coleman, a local bar owner. He was the last person anyone thought she would date, but they made it work for a while.

Kate became involved with Sonny again in 2011. The pressures of dating the mobster again made her alternate personality, "Connie", come out. Connie is the way Kate acted when she was a teen, only worse.  She doesn't want Kate and Sonny together, since she keeps getting shot at, so she is trying to break them up. Connie got Johnny to sleep with her so that Sonny would break up with Kate.

Kate was getting therapy from a doctor in Chicago for a while. Now she is seeing local shrink Ewen Keenan. He wants her to commit herself to Shadybrook.  At first only he and Johnny knew about her problem. Jason and Spinelli knew that she had some sort of mental problems. Others, such as Olivia, suspected that something was not right.

Connie ended up hitting Ewen over the head, and he almost died. Jason stopped Connie from leaving town, and she was committed and arrested. Sonny doesn't want to believe that Kate had a split personality.

Proofread by Laura on 11/23/10

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