Robert Scorpio and Tristan Rogers - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers)

Check out our other great site The Scorpio Files!


Tristan has an official site at Check it out!

Tristan Pictures Page Articles Page

Robert Scorpio is a great hero on the show. He saved Port Charles, and the world, many times as a spy and then as police commissioner. Even though he no longer resides in the city, whenever he arrives, he saves the day.

Although being a hero may seem like a boring character, Robert's charm and good looks help make him exciting. Robert is very loyal to his friends and family.

Robert fell in love with Anna Devane in the 70's while they were both spies for the World Security Bureau. Anna turned out to be a double agent. She had Robert's baby, Robin, but he didn't find out for a long time.

Robert came to Port Charles in 1981 to deal with the evil Cassadines. He posed as a wealthy financier and flirted with Laura, clashing with Luke. The two of them then worked together to bring down the Cassadines and stop them from freezing the world. They have remained life-long friends.

Luke disappeared in an avalanche in 1983, and Robert fell in love with Luke's girlfriend Holly and married her.  Luke returned, causing trouble, but the three stayed friends after that.

In 1984, Robert helped Luke out of a jam in Mexico, and they met up with his former WSB boss, Sean Donely. Sean and Robert competed against each other for everything, usually with Sean stealing something. Anna joined them in adventures. Robert was thought to be killed after a fight with Sean, but he returned alive. Meanwhile, Sean turned over a new leaf and went back to being a hero.

Robert was police commissioner of Port Charles from 1983 through 1985.  Sean, Robert and Anna opened a detective agency in 1987. They solved many cases and protected the citizens of Port Charles.

During one of the times that Robert and Anna were broken up, he took up with world reknowned concert pianist named Katherine Delafield. They were engaged for a while, but she left town after realizing that he had other priorities.

In 1991, Robert was told by his ex-girlfriend Cheryl that her baby Lucas was really his. Although paternity tests proved otherwise, it caused a big fight between him and Anna.  Also that year, Robert's estranged younger brother Mac showed up in town. Later, the brothers make up, and Robert married Anna.  Robert then learned that Holly, who was presumed-dead, is really alive.

Anna left town in 1992, and Robert followed her. Mac became their daughter Robin's legal guardian. They were both presumed dead in an explosion along with crime boss Cesar Faison. Anna appeared alive in 2001 on "All My Children", but with amnesia at first. Eventually, she got her memory back and reunited with Robin, but she still thought Robert was dead.

Robert re-appeared in 2006, after being gone for 15 years, when Port Charles had a bio-toxin threat. He had followed Luke, who was, unbeknownst to him, carrying the virus (and a monkey).  Robert helped figure out how to contain the outbreak and deal with the bad guys who were holding the cure for ransom.

Robert helped Skye escape from Lorenzo Alcazar, and his goons beat Robert up. Later, Robert helped Skye and Lorenzo deliver Skye's baby. Robert gave Robin advice about her relationship with Patrick, and he was around to walk her down the aisle. He was also there for the birth of their baby, Emma. Anna was also there, so they spent some time together, discussing the past.

Robert's plane crashed near Port Charles in 2008, and it was discovered that he had brain tumors and colon cancer (in the summer series "General Hospital: Nightshift"). He recovered from that after falling into a coma for a while. His friends and family spoke to him while he was in the coma, including old friends Sean and Tiffany.

Robert returned to town at Anna's request in 2012 and learned that Robin had died (She didn't, really, but no one knows that yet). Robert almost committed suicide, but Luke talked him out of it by lying that Ethan is really Robert's son, not Luke's. He set it up so that Ethan would leave town and look like he was kidnapped by Helena. It gave Robert a new challenge, so he went off looking for Ethan.

Whenever Robert and Anna are not in town, they are still out doing work as spies and heroes. They are like two superheroes, in a way. They are both very brave and cunning, and they work hard to keep the world safe from the bad guys.

Older Tristan news:

Tristan chats online April 11 on The Soap Series - call in with your questions!

from Tristan Rogers to Return to 'General Hospital'
Wednesday January 11, 2012
As was rumored, Tristan Rogers (Robert Scorpio) will be returning to General Hospital in February as part of Robin's exit story.
It has been announced that Finola Hughes (Anna), who plays Robin's mother, will be staying with the show for a time after Kimberly McCullough departs. Rumors are now swirling that Robin's superspy dad, Robert Scorpio, will be sticking around as well.
For whatever time he's with GH, Rogers' fans will be thrilled to see him.
 Check him out on "The Bay

Tristan is joining the cast of Y&R

Reality Bytes, — So You Think You Can Write?
• Who needs a writers’ development program? Producer-creator Tristan Rogers is offering fans an opportunity to write for his soap-within-a-soap, Beyond Reason. Visit for more information on his “So You Think You Can Write” contest. Maybe Chuck Pratt can learn a thing or two from Rogers.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 10:30 PM EST/7:30 PM PST!
Time:10:30PM Thursday, September 17th article

From August 2009: Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) had the once-in-a-million chance of meeting one of her idols, Tristan Rogers (ex-Robert Scorpio) at the last GH Christmas party—and she said she blew it by acting painfully shy. When Rogers put his hand out, LoCicero withdrew, “covered my face, and giggled and backed away.” She thinks she’d pass out or something if another idol, Rick Springfield (ex-Noah Drake), ever came her way. –Soap Opera Digest, August 11, 2009

Tristan article in SOD! He's chosen as Performer of the Week!  Page one  Page two

Tristan was on General Hospital: Night Shift with great story! We have no why idea why they decided not to do another Night Shift, since it got good ratings AND was a critical success. :(

Tristan shaves his head to play Robert's GH: Night Shift story!

Robert Scorpio Quiz!

Tristan Rogers (Robert Scorpio) was interviewed by Blog Talk Radio

Tristan Rogers was back playing Robert Scorpio on GH in 2006!
Please write to The Powers That Be at GH to let them know Tristan should come back!!

Sign the petition to give Robert a real storyline on GH!
Petition Banner

Opportunity Knocks poster thumbnailCheck out Tristan's movie "Opportunity Knocks".  See an article and pictures from the movie's premiere!

Here are pictures of Tristan from Soapography


YouTube - see many more clips of Robert and Tristan!
Soapnet Interview
Article from Soap Opera Digest site
World's Sexiest Secret Agent
General Hospital Happenings (articles and pictures)
Robert and Tiffany wallpaper
The Link Men
A Piece of Eden
Scorpio Family Tree
Heather's Place
Robert & Luke Friendshipper Page
Scorpio Rising - article
Robert Scorpio and Anna Devane Fanlisting

This is from Soap Opera Digest (December 2006) about shooting Luke and Laura's wedding this time around: What a difference 25 years makes in soapdom. For Tristan Rogers (Robert Scorpio), it’s the difference between bellying up to the honey wagon/bar in between on-location shoots, and hunkering down with a book. Lucky for the veteran actor, Rogers was able to enjoy the compare and contrast as Luke and Laura’s guest – two times over.

Some facts: 
Tristan Rogers now resides in the Palm Springs, CA area.
He is the spokesperson for Outback steakhouses and you can hear his voice in their commercials.
He appeared on The Bold & The Beautiful in 1997.
Tristan does some animation work with his fabulous voice!

The website "Fans For Tristan Rogers" is no more.    A big THANK YOU to that site and to Scorpiofiles for some of these photos and info!

Some Tristan Pictures: #1, #2

More pictures, with descriptions! Second part of the bio and more pictures!

Bio (Part One) Just the Facts

Born: June 3, 1946 in Melbourne, Australia

Parents: Ron & Margo Rogers

Height: 6'1"

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Blue

Married: Barbara Meale, June 7, 1974 to 1984

Married: Teresa Parkerson, May 21, 1995.

Children: Sara Jane (8-15-92) Baby boy

Career Highlights


Division Four Bellbird

Homicide Hunter

Delta Force Number 96

The Sullivans

Link Men


Paul Temple Time Slip

The Protectors Barlow

The Adventurer Cross Roads

The Persuaders

Ace of Wands

Dixon Of Dock Green


General Hospital (1980-1985; 1986; 1987-1992)

(1981) Love Boat

(1984) Cover Up

(1986) Hotel

(1987) Sky Commanders

(1989) Mancuso, FBI

(1990) Rescuers Down Under

(1991) Super Force

(1991) Tales From The Crypt

(1991) Soul Mates

(1992) Super Force (2 part episode)

(1993) Walker, Texas Ranger

(1993) Night Eyes 3

(1994) Babylon 5

(1994) Perry Mason, The Case of the Lethal Lifestyle

(1994) Acapulco Heat

(1995) One West Waikiki 

(1997)  The Bold and the Beautiful as Hunter Jones

(1997) Fast Track as Harry

Born the only child to Ron & Margo Rogers, Tristan describes his childhood: "I was kind of rebellious. My parents wanted a doctor or lawyer in the family, but I up and learned to drum and joined a band like a good sixties kid."

"I wanted to go to Engineering school but my parents insisted on sending me to private school. They wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer or something like that. Or course, that was in the sixties and that was the thing. Nowadays, with all these malpractice suits, I think it's probably more fashionable to be an actor!" He continues: "After I finished school I joined a pop bank. I was the drummer and lead vocalist. My parents were crestfallen about that. My father and I didn't communicate for a good three years."

The band was called the Sounds of the Present. "We used to do basically top 40 stuff. This was back in the late 60's. Then we started to get into writing our own songs towards the end of our career, but the last 4 months - when the band was dying - we started writing our own material and it was pretty good, but unfortunately, the band was becoming sort of fragmented. We had it - we just wanted to split. By the time we actually did break up, we were doing our best work, but we lost our momentum."

"I started doing session work to a limited extent. I guess if I had stuck with drumming - because I wasn't bad - if I really stuck with it, by now I'd be pretty good - probably very good, because I had it all going for me. I had the natural rhythm - but like most things, I got impatient with it. I could see probably the next years of my life I'd be hacking around - the drum kit in the back of my car. I could never be sure when I was going to make it and the idea of living like that didn't appeal to me. I was doing a bit of commercial work (modeling) and making money, and it was easy. So I said, why kill yourself? And then the acting came along. I just walked into that, literally off the street."

On the advice of a friend, Tristan tried his hand at modeling: "I started doing commercial work because it was a nice way to make a buck. After six months I got bored with it. Let's face it, there's only so much you can do with two modeling expressions and three poses!"

Then Tristan decided to try his hand at acting and walked into the only production company in Australia at the time. "There wasn't much happening with Australian television at the time but there was one company that was making a very tacky police series. I swaggered into their offices, right off the street, and said I wanted a part. They looked at me rather suspiciously but handed me a couple of soiled test-scripts and told me to take them home and come back the next day. I did and got to audition - in the lobby! It was really scumsville, but the job was mine and the parts kept getting bigger and bigger; from an innocent bystander that got shot, to a slick-talking hood or one of the detectives. And that's how I lived for a couple of years, until I moved to Sydney…." …where he had his first starring role: "The series was called The Link Men and it was a disaster! It was the first venture of a new television company and in addition to getting bombed, there was a great deal of political infighting. As a consequence, the experience left me so frustrated that I didn't know if I wanted to act anymore so I decided to leave the country."

"I knew I was fed up when I was at a friend's apartment and someone knocked at the door. When I opened it, George the producer (of The Link Men) and the chief cameraman fell flat on the floor. George looked up and in a drunken voice said, 'They canceled the show!' The shows executives had laid out these big buffet tables, got the actors drunk and handed out termination notices when they walked out the door. In the meantime, no one bothered to tell George and he was in the booth still mixing while the show had been killed three hours earlier! At this point, I decided it was no use hanging around Australia.".

So Tristan moved to London where he worked on a couple of British shows including the soaps The Bellbird and The Box. Tristan also started modeling again and worked nights as a DJ in a disco. "I had shoulder-length silver hair (it was not a wig), a massive mustache and extremely bizarre clothes. We're talking about an entirely different person altogether, but I enjoyed myself enormously. Pub discos are small, cramped places with awful drinks, but the atmosphere is great. The British go out once a week, usually on a Friday night, and they go absolutely crazy. They want to forget all their problems, and by the time they go to the disco they're already up - primed to have fun."

Music at the time was changing from disco to punk rock and Tristan reflects on the violence that went along with that change: "Punk rock was perfect for the times and a perfect statement for the young. What with the class structure and the economic situation in England, punk rock was a socially motivated form of music. But it caught on in America just because it caught on everywhere else. And then there was the violence… The great enjoyment for the punkers became Paki-bashing, which involved tracking down a Pakistani and beating him up. This was how the race riots started over in West Kensington." Tristan pauses thoughtfully; it's clear the idea of violence is something that disturbs him. "They used to have a West Indian Festival in Portobello Road. I went to it the first year and it was really great. Unfortunately, the next year, a lot of the filthy element decided to come out for it. Primarily to cause trouble. They wound up having a tremendous riot and the festival was never held again."

But Tristan also has fond memories of London as it was where he met his first wife, actress Barbara Meale. Tristan recalls meeting Barbara at a mutual friends Christmas Eve party. "She arrived in a limousine wearing a black mink coat, hot pants and high leather boots. I approached her in my jeans and T-shirt and asked her to dance. She snapped back with 'Get lost.' I thought, 'Very uppity. Obviously Australian!'"

Not one for being put off, Tristan found out her phone number and called her several times within the next week until she would agree to go out with him. She did, on New Year's Eve, and they instantly began an exclusive relationship.

She wanted marriage, he didn't. So she decided to leave London and return to her native Australia. Tristan continued to work at the Disco and found the lifestyle taking it's toll and, after receiving some rather romantic inspiring letters from Barbara, he decided to also return to Australia and he and Barbara were married on June 7th, 1974.

Tristan continued working on Australian television (both daytime and nighttime) but found the work confining and restrictive so he and Barbara decided to try their luck in Hollywood.

Tristan remembers: "My wife wanted to come, she thought it would be a good idea for me career-wise. I was getting typecast in Australia and couldn't break out of it."

"We'd been talking about the possibility of a move for about a year. Barbara had previously worked in the States; he was secretary to Alister Maitland at the British Consulate in New York, so it wasn't as if we were shoving off into unknown territory. And although I was doing well in Australia, I could see that five years hence, I'd still be doing the same thing. So I decided to take that five years and apply it to becoming successful in Los Angeles. "

Work in Hollywood wasn't to easy to come by, especially for an Australian, so Tristan worked on softening the accent supplemented his income by working as an instructor in a gym when his life completely changed.

Then GH producer, Gloria Monty, spoke of how the character of Scorpio came to life: "I talk too quickly sometimes, my brain races ahead of my tongue and I was thinking East Africans for a small part involving diamonds. I said Austrian. When I arrived for the readings, these Australians were there and I said why are you giving me all these? And he said: "Gloria, I swear you asked for them." Since they'd shown up, Monty heard them read and she was immediately taken with Rogers. "I thought he was …. Engaging, he had a perky quality. I just had an innate feeling he would work, that we should put him on contract and see if we could develop him."

Tristan remembers: "I got the audition on a Monday, read, and was told to come back the next day. At eight the next morning I did a reading with Gloria and was told, again, to come back the next day. On Wednesday, the man I was supposed to read the scenes with said, 'They cut the five pages to just the first two.' I was furious. In the first two pages, all I said was 'Yes, no, maybe' - the heavy, meaty stuff was all at the end of the scene, so when it came time to read, I just kept going. No one told me to stop and they told me they'd be in touch. I gave my final reading on Friday night and I knew I had it but I tried not to get excited. The weekend was agony. Both Barbara and I were bursting on the inside but trying to stay calm on the outside. On Monday morning they called, said I had the job and would I report to work that afternoon. That's how quick it was"

It seemed that Tristan's accent helped, more than hurt, is career. "My agent told me he couldn't give me away with an Australian accent and he advised me to lose it as quick as possible. So, I worked on it and I got rid of it. I can do a really good American accent now. But when I went to the audition for General Hospital, Gloria Monty said 'You are never to talk like that again - ever - forget it immediately.' And so the only accent I'm allowed to use on the show is my own."

"Well I never really actually got rid of it (the accent). I just learned to adopt one. An actor has to have a good ear to take on different sounds, the same way he has to be able to change his appearance. It's all sort of part of a kit. And actually, I'd only been messing with an American accent for a period of about four weeks. And then "GH" came along and I didn't have to use it again. I've had to use it from time to time on the show to disguise my voice for whatever reason."

Scorpio quickly became a fan favorite: "When I first started on 'GH', they didn't have a storyline for Robert Scorpio, so Gloria and I sat down and she explained to me how she envisioned the character. Since those initial meetings, however, Robert Scorpio has become mainly what I've brought to the role. His sense of humor, for instance, is definitely mine - the feeling that he can smile at you and blow your brains out in the same breath. He's a multimillionaire, he can do what he pleases, but he came up the hard way. And he identifies with people who have the same background and who he thinks are worthy opponents. That's one of the reasons he likes Luke. He's a ruthless man. I believe he's killed people in the past and he could do so again in the future."

Working with Monty had been a refreshing change for the actor: "Something new comes out of him (Scorpio) everyday. For the fist two weeks on 'GH' you're allowed to play with your character but you're also watched very carefully - primarily by Gloria. I've never had as much freedom working with anyone and never had as much respect for anybody as I have for Gloria Monty. If she feels you can handle it you're given enough rope to quite literally hang yourself. And if you do, it's your own fault. So far I've managed to dance around the trap door."

GH was a great opportunity. "Yes, I had a hard time back in Australia getting what I wanted. When I was acting, I was basically type cast. That's the reason I left the country. I wasn't getting the parts I wanted. It was all the same. I was playing the same neatly defined good guy or bad guy. I couldn't get into the character roles, whereas General Hospital has allowed me to do character material on a cameo-type basis, which is how I use Scorpio - dressing him up, giving him accents."

Tristan has nothing but high regards for his early co-stars. Especially, Billie Hayes who played the spunky WSB agent O'Reilly and seemingly Scorpio's only friend. "The public reaction to us was phenomenal, and I would love to have her back on the show. It appeared that O'Reilly was Scorpio's only family. She died in his arms, but no one ever pronounced her dead."

Then there's daytimes greatest team: Robert & Luke. "Nobody expected this chemistry between myself, Tony Geary and Genie Francis to happen. The three of us get along well. There's now a trade off between 'Scorpio' and 'Luke', which is sort of a friendly rivalry. It evolved because Tony and I enjoy working together."

Scorpio, the secret agent was all about action and adventure and fun. How much of Tristan did he bring to the role. "My character drifts between James Bond and Daffy Duck, that's just like me!"

"Well, his accent is mine and I like to think I'm a nice guy. But after that we part company - I'm not as serious as he is. I'm more light-hearted. Scorpio's sense of humor is similar to mine - he's a bit of a smart mouth. But he has a lot more style than I do and he's organized. I'm not. He gets things done. He can always deal with any bizarre situation."

But, at that time, Tristan wished that they had allowed his character to develop in other ways. "Without the romance the adventure is shallow. (He) would like Scorpio to have a relationship that builds, not disappears."

"I've been given a lot of freedom in developing the character but I haven't been happy with the romantic side of it. I won't so certain things if I'm not happy with them. I have a specific type of romance thing in mind and I hope they will let me go with it this summer."

With or without a leading lady at his side, Robert Scorpio became one of the most popular characters on the show. Tristan was quickly climbing to the top of all the soap magazines popularity polls and he was receiving thousands of fan letters a week.

"I can't believe the things some of these women write! I don't know whether to be flattered or embarrassed sometimes!"

Barbara said at the time: "The good letters really outweigh the bad, that's why Tristan cares so much about his fan club. I've hired four people to help me. Every letter gets categorized and answered. Most of them want pictures, others are love letters, some comment on the show, others just want to tell their troubles to Tristan. The important thing is that they are all read. It takes a lot of time and effort and Tristan thinks it's important and so do I. "

Tristan concurs: "It takes an enormous amount of money to get the letters read and answered. I'd say I spend at least $600 a month minimum. The nighttime stars get their mail handled for them by the studios, but we soap stars have to do it ourselves. Barbara and the help she hired do a great job."

Even in the beginning Tristan cared about his fans. "They care about me enough to write and I appreciate them. Without fans where would actors be? The letters have tremendous influence on the show as well. The more letters I receive the heavier I am featured in the show."

This show of popularity lead to the numerous personal appearances - which can be extremely overwhelming. Tristan remembers: "You walk out on stage and for the first five minutes all you hear is screaming. Then when I start to talk, more screams start. I don't think half the people know or care what I'm saying. They are just there to look at me and hear my accent."

"A lot of people just approach me and say, 'Just talk. Say anything. I just want to hear you talk.' I guess it just adds to my sex appeal. Many people mistake my speech for a British accent. Don't want to be compared to a pome, good Lord!" (pome - Australian slang for a person who is a prisoner to Mother England)

Sometimes female fans can get a little out of hand, not to mention a little graphic! "Right in front of everybody these women were asking me if I'd like to go home and sleep with them. The used much more graphic language, too, if you know what I mean. I was speechless, really. I suppose rock stars get used to that kind of thing, but for me it was a bit of a shock!"

"It's incredible, beyond belief. You could never imagine a situation like this was possible, to go out in front of a mob like that and be the center of attention. All those people here to see me? What did I do? You can get carried away with it very quickly. I guess it's a healthy outlet; there are worse things people could get enthusiastic about than me."

It may all have been a little overwhelming but Tristan realized early that part of a successful job a on soaps was to get out there and reach the fans . "If you're going to do daytime, it's a business and it's got to run like one. Park of the business is popularity and you've got to maintain those personal appearances. I think I owe the public something. Without their support, what are you? Nothing but a dead storyline."

How does all this affect the wife of a soap star: "I don't mind sharing him with his fans but when they start trying to break up our marriage to get me out of the picture, or try to shove me aside to get close to him in public, I do get angry. I was hurt and angry about it in the beginning, but now I accept it. The people who say mean things are sick in a way and they can't accept that Scorpio is not real and that Tristan has another life away from the show."

This kind of enthusiasm can often be dangerous. "I've been shoved to the ground. Kicked in the knee, had my hair pulled and had my clothes torn from my body. If I start to see the crowds pushing too much, I leave because I don't want anyone to get hurt. I'm concerned for the fans' safety as well as my own."

Tristan's hard work paid off as he was awarded with the Soap Opera Digest Award (the called the Soapy's) for the most exciting newcomer of 1981. After winning the Soapy Award for most exciting newcomer, do you feel under pressure to keep up your current success? " No - if I hadn't won it, it wouldn't have made any difference at all. It's nice - you know it's a nice accolade. It's nice to know your getting through to people, but the bottom line is , if I wasn't getting through to people , I wouldn't be on the show. So, as I'm still on the show, I must be doing something right…"

Tristan is proud to be the first Australian actor to become successful on American television and has been able to retain his heritage. "There were two actors before me, Chips Rafferty and Rod Taylor. But Chips was primarily a supporting actor and Rod was forced to adopt an American accent to play the leading man roles. But I'm the first leading man who's been allowed to retain his Australian accent on American television and I'm very pleased that it's proving successful."

But too much success too fast also has it's emotional consequences. "No matter who you are on General Hospital you attract a lot of attention, far more than if you were on any other daytime program, or a lot of nighttime shows. You're in the spotlight right from the word go. Then suddenly you're so wound up in the press and glamour you forget the reason you're on the show and blow the whole thing. This is when you need someone to undo the pressure and bring you back to earth. I was fortunate - I had my wife to browbeat me. Some people don't have anyone. And unless you've got a very firm hold on reality, this business can screw you up so bad. I saw it happen to a lot of people on the set last year."

Another of the bad things about Hollywood is that even really good actors don't get work if their "numbers" don't add up. "Everything here is reduced to a common denominator - money. Someone looks at you and sees dollar signs. Actors who are good should be working, but for some reason networks don't think they'll see, so they don't hire them. But I can't get emotional about it. I know lots of guys who are fantastic performers, yet the producers will pick some jerk who can't act his way out of the bathroom. But who the hell knows? It's the producers money and his show, so it's his right to do what he feels is appropriate."

Then there's the real business side of the business. "I make the money and Barbara manages it. There are so many bloodsuckers out there - publicists, accountants, lawyers - it drives me crazy just thinking about it. Everyone wants to be a part of your entourage. People are doing your interviews for you, arranging your appearances for you, and suddenly you think 'they won't let me go to work; they'll be doing that for me too.' An actor is a product. You're being merchandised. And you have to watch how it's being done or else your face can wind up printed on women's panties. After that, you won't last long; your image will be distorted. It's this selling I hate. But if Barbara and I don't get involved, some son of a bitch will do it without my approval and I'll have no control whatsoever. I use the word control a lot, but it's important because you're on the verge of going out of control all the time."

"Barbara and I have grown closer in closer in terms of discussing things more. We have important business decisions to make. Sometimes we argue but invariably something good comes out of it. I always know she's on my side."

In an interview, Barbara grumbled that their time alone together was few and far between. "He's so darn busy, I'm lucky if I get a few minutes to spend with him alone anymore. I have to make the most of our minutes alone in the car together when we go from place to place."

It was important to Tristan that Barbara do her own thing. She "needs something just for her as a person. Right now, both our lives revolve around GH… She hasn't given up acting, she's biding her time while deciding what she wants to do - acting or journalism or whatever."

In a interview with TV Guide, Tristan stated that "A marriage in this town is the eighth wonder of the world if it's successful. When the business consumes everything, when that's all your talking about, all of a sudden you find that things that were insignificant at one time have festered." And sadly what was once on of Hollywood's most stable marriages, dissolved under the pressure and Tristan and Barbara divorced in 1984.

Part Two

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