Skye Quartermaine - General Hospital Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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Skye Quartermaine
Played by Robin Christopher
Written by Sarah

The character of Skye Quartermaine started out on All My Children, then went to One Life to Live and finally to General Hospital. Skye has mostly been portrayed by Robin Christopher.

Skye grew up thinking that her father was Adam Chandler and that he had abandoned her and her mother when Skye was five. She came to Pine Valley as a young adult. She has always been very needy and vulnerable due to being abandoned, but she can be very mean and lash out when she needs to; she can also scheme to get what she wants. Her mother put her in boarding schools, so she did not have much love while growing up.

Skye married good guy Tom but later lost him and became an alcoholic. She had a list of misdeeds including burning down a building, (she had second thoughts and rescued poor Cindy, an AIDS victim, who was caught inside), faking a coma, and trying to shoot her rival for Tom's affections, Barbara. Skye spent a few months in a coma after the fire, and Tom got involved with Barbara after finding out what Skye had done, so then Skye faked the coma longer in order to play on his sympathy and plot against Barbara. She lost it and went catatonic, so she was put into a sanatorium for a while.

Skye turned up again a few years later (played by a different actress) being held captive by evil Dr. Kinder, whom she was married to. She escaped with the help of a sympathetic young man who had been helping Kinder. She worked with Erica and Janet to cover up Kinder's death after he was killed. Skye was briefly involved with handsome and rich Edmund Grey but couldn't hold on to him. Skye ended up in Llanview and found out that Rae, whom she hated, was her biological mother. She was stunned to find out that Adam was not her real father, either. Skye was briefly involved with Max Holden. She went to Port Charles when Rae revealed that Alan Quartermaine was her real father.

Skye was glad to have a real family, but they were skeptical about her at first and not very welcoming. Skye soon proved that she was a true Quartermaine by scheming, lying, and arguing like the rest of them.

Skye and Monica don't get along, since Monica didn't like a bastard child of Alan's showing up. Skye was jealous of her new sister Emily at first, so when Emily and her boyfriend asked Skye to help them get out of town, she gave them the money. Unfortunately, there was an accident and Emily became paralyzed for a while. Emily forgave her, but the rest of the Q's were not so nice about it. Skye really regrets her part in that.

Skye worked especially well with her brother AJ She got involved with handsome Jax. But Skye, always insecure, almost killed the relationship a few times with lying and scheming. Edward also tried to sabotage the romance but they were finally able to put these things behind them. They got married in a small ceremony. However, Skye didn't know that Jax's ex-love Brenda was back in town (she was previously thought to be dead). Jax lied about knowing that Brenda was back and that played into Skye's insecurities. He spent a lot of time with Brenda, too. Skye found out that Brenda was not really dying, as she claimed, but rather than tell anyone, Skye used it to try to get rid of Brenda for good. Jax and Brenda eventually found out and this killed her marriage.

Skye slipped back into drinking but was able to get help and, eventually, kick the habit, but not before she tried to help pin Luis Alcazar's murder on Brenda and Jason (she briefly thought she might have done it; she was passed-out drunk when it happened). She was involved sexually with sleazeball Coleman before she got back into AA and got sober.

Skye found out in 2007 that Alan was not really her biological father; however, Alan and the others continued to consider her part of the family, and she still considers herself a Quartermaine as well.

Skye was involved with Ned, whom she had previously thought was her cousin. Skye wanted a child but found out that she couldn't have one of her own. Ned was married to Alexis, who had a baby girl, Kristina. Ned fought Alexis for custody of the girl.  Skye had been helping to take care of Kristina and helping Ned with his problems. In the process, she and Ned started a relationship. Skye's scheming came in handy when it comes to getting even with Alexis. They broke up when Ned dropped the custody fight for Kristina.

Skye paired up with Luke for a while to get money from the Quartermaines; they were involved in the mystery of the Dead Man's Hand. They opened the casino The Haunted Star. She moved in with Lorenzo Alcazar when Luke married Tracy. She got pregnant by him, even though she had been told that was not possible. She left Lorenzo so that her baby would be safe from mob violence. Lorenzo kept trying to get her back and even kidnapped her daughter, Lila Rae, so she made a deal with Jason to have him killed. First she pretended to give in to Lorenzo so that he would bring her little girl back, and then Jason killed Lorenzo in the other room while she was rocking the baby.

After getting away with the murder and some other business dealings, Skye and Lila Rae left town. She returned later to look for some of Lorenzo's hidden assets. Luke helped her (and also made Tracy jealous). Jax also helped her. She also helped him by pretending they were lovers to make Carly jealous.

Skye worked with Anthony to try to get ELQ from Tracy, but he didn't want to let her go after their business was finished. Ethan and Edward helped her get out of town safely.

Skye started out being a schemer on All My Children, but she softened over the years. She still did plenty of scheming on General Hospital, but for the most part she was not as destructive as she used to be. She was always looking for love, but it did not last long. Having her baby to love finally gave her some peace.

Proofread by Laura on 1/18/11

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