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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

Tristan Rogers Photos

Tristan is back on General Hospital again! From 10/29/12

Check out The Scorpio Files for many more pics!


Scorpio is back!  Tristan Rogers returns to GH for 6 weeks.  Will he stay? Stay tuned! From SOD 1/7/06



The Case of the Cover Switch Tristan and Edie Lehmann shared the cover of TV Guide (above left) with Max and Megan from One Life To Live a few years back when the magazine was doing a story on love on the soaps. The Canadian version of the very same cover story, however, featured Tristan and Edie by themselves in a much closer shot. Some countries have all the luck!!



sodcover.jpg (128885 bytes) rob-holly6.jpg (16048 bytes)   First you don't see them, now you do!!  Soap Opera Update wanted to do a cover story on Emma Samms return to GH in 1991 and the effect it would have on Tristan's character. They don't get the two stars together for a photo shoot, however. They just took two photos - from different shoots - and superimposed them together so it looks like they're in the same shot.  Hey, SOU! That's cheating! Police Commissioner Robert Scorpio would call that manufacturing evidence!

tr03_01[1].jpg (21579 bytes)robertanna.JPG (74626 bytes) tr05_06[1].jpg (16729 bytes) Robert and Anna, my favorite all-time soap couple!



hollyrobanna.gif (29582 bytes) Tristan in one of his finest moments ... Holly leaves Robert when she learns of his marriage to Anna.




burts2.jpg (69993 bytes) In one of the shows saddest moments, Robert realizes that his good friend Bert Ramsey is really mob kingpin Mr. Big!



jackierob.jpg (49289 bytes) Robert & Jackie begin the search for her sister Laura and the Sword of Malkuth


Guest Shots

Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd aren't the only one who can moonlight ... Tristan did a lot of it on his own as he appeared in numerous guest starring appearance in various shows.

egyptian.gif (25039 bytes) tristan3a.JPG (150989 bytes) tr07_10[1].jpg (11443 bytes) fasttrak.jpg (5452 bytes)

More pics of Robert Scorpio

Here is a recent picture of Tristan with John Reilly (ex-Sean Donely)

Recent photos of Tristan found around the net

Photos from General Hospital: Night Shift!

Robin Scorpio

When fan favorite Emma Samms left the show, the viewers would not accept another female in the arms of Robert Scorpio. But all that changed when little six year old Robin Soltini (Kimberly McCullough) showed up on Scorpio's door step and boy were they in for a surprise when it was realized that Robin was actually Robert's daughter from his short-lived marriage to Anna Devane.

robinrobert2.JPG (103516 bytes) robin1.jpg (76539 bytes) robrobin5.gif (48934 bytes) tr02_02[1].jpg (24854 bytes) tr10_01[1].jpg (16359 bytes)

We watched Robin and Kimberly grow up before our eyes and she was the glue that always held Robert & Anna together. 

More Scorpio Pictures!

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