Jerry Jacks - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Jerry Jacks
Played by Sebastian Roché
Written by Laurie

It had been years since we’d seen this character, when he returned in 2007.  The last time we saw Jerry,  he was about to marry Bobbie Spencer.  Back then he was played by Julian Stone.  This time Jerry came to Port Charles by way of Metro Court hostage taker James Craig.  In the beginning, we had no idea that James Craig was really Jerry Jacks.  It seems that Jerry had some major plastic surgery, among other things.  When James Craig returned to town, in March, to terrorize Nikolas, we had no idea of his true identity.  Slowly, some tiny hints were dropped and most of us were able to figure it out.

Jerry is the older brother of our beloved Jasper (Jax) Jacks.  He is the son of Jane and the late John Jacks.  He is now the step-uncle of Michael and Morgan Corinthos and brother- in-law to Carly Corinthos-Jacks.

Over the years, Jax has continued to rescue big brother Jerry.  Jax was actually in Russia trying to save Jerry during the Metro Court situation.  Jerry didn’t want Jax in town just in case things got out of hand.  In his own way, Jerry tries to keep Jax safe.  It seems that the only person Jerry really cares about is Jax.

The old Jerry was sweet and rakish, a little rough around the edges but kind.  In this new incaranation, Jerry  seemed at first cold, evil, dangerous, and just plain scary.  He took a room full of people hostage, watched Alan Quartermaine suffer a heart attack, and shot Robin Scorpio.  Adding insult to injury, Jerry came back to town and poisoned Nikolas, and he threw a major wrench in the love lives of Robin, Patrick, Nikolas, and Emily.  He forced Emily to open a bank account that could send her to prison for treason.  Jerry claimed at first that he wasn’t James Craig.  He said that just he had the misfortune of using the same plastic surgeon. 

Soon after that, Jerry’s true identity was revealed and we learned why he became such a psycho.  It seems that Jerry was working “undercover” and fell in love with his partner.  When he was captured, Jerry was beaten and tortured for months.  In the end, he gave up his partner and girlfriend Irina in exchange for his own life.  His captors then killed Irina (or so he thought) as he watched.  The incident made Jerry “snap” and become this horrible person.  It made us understand Jerry a bit better. 

It seemed that Jerry has some major self-esteem issues.  He felt inferior to his little brother, Jax. Jerry was looked upon as the “loser” and the “problem child” while Jax was a total “winner” and a perfect “golden boy.”  Even Jane Jacks made Jerry feel inferior when she told him what a disappointment he was.

Jerry had this way of making himself seem very genuine.  Although he was very charming, we could never be totally sure of his sincerity or his agenda.   Jerry seemed to have an obsession for Carly for a while, too.

Most of the town either hated or feared Jerry Jacks.  The only person that seemed to liked him was Alexis, who had a crush on him.  Roché played this character with such conviction, confidence and smugness that we couldn’t help but like him.  Though he was still dangerous and scary, this character was also intelligent, funny, confident, and sexy.  Love him or hate him, Jerry Jacks was served to us with wit and humor and a side order of unpredictable. 

Jerry and Alexis did have a relationship for a while, but he couldn't stay out of trouble.  At various times, he blackmailed Claudia, shot at Jason, and tried to kill Sam. For a while, he was thought to be dead, but he turned up alive. He escaped and later returned to cause more problems in 2010 when he threatened Jax and the rest of his family, as well as Brenda. He was shot by the Balkan and is presumed dead, but he fell into the water, so he could still be alive.

Proofread by Laura on 12/28/10

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