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In the comedy soap on Lifetime, skinny model and airhead Deb dies at the exact time as smart, plump lawyer Jane Bingham.  Once up in heaven, Jane refuses to go along quietly and, faced with an inexperienced angel, Fred, presses the "Return" button. She is instantly reincarnated, but with Deb's brain in Jane's body (although she does have some of Jane's memories).  Deb has to learn to face the world in a plus-sized body and a new career and life. She has her best friend and roomie Stacey to help her out as well as Jane's secretary, Teri. Worse, she has to work with ex-fiancee Grayson, whom she's still in love with.

Welcome to our site for "Drop Dead Diva"!

The show has concluded its run

"Drop Dead Diva" airs Sundays, 9/8c on Lifetime logo

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  • From www.tvshowsondvd.com: Drop Dead Diva - Possible Date, Cost, and Box Art for 'The Complete 6th Season'
    The sixth and final season of Lifetime's critically acclaimed show, starring Brooke Elliott (What Women Want) as a plus-sized attorney whose body is taken over by a shallow model.
    A week and a half ago, we passed along word from Amazon.com that Drop Dead Diva - The Complete Series on DVD was up for pre-order, with a release date of May 5th shown by the giant e-tailer. Sony got in touch with us a couple of days later, to inform us that Amazon's information was incorrect, and that Sony had not announced the title yet. We're still waiting on the studio to formally announce that title, and provide us with correct information.
    In the meantime, Amazon.com has kept the listing itself up, but no longer shows a date or cost (just package art), and not taking any pre-orders at this time (it simply says, "Currently unavailable"). However, the Canadian side of things at Amazon.ca still shows a listing with the May 5th date, as do other USA retailer sites like those at Walmart and Best Buy. Despite this, the studio's most recent word is that this date represents incorrect information.
    With that in mind, we need to point out that the following information about Drop Dead Diva - The Complete 6th Season may not (or may) be accurate; we don't know. The studio has not formally announced this item yet, either. However, we'd like to pass on that Amazon.com is showing that an MOD (manufacture on demand, just like the fifth season set of this show) DVD set is scheduled to be available starting April 7th.
    This 3-disc release of the final season is shown to be priced at $45.99 SRP, and cover art from Amazon's pre-order entry can be seen below (along with a button link to the e-tailer's listing). Keep in mind, please, that this information and artwork may not be correct and/or finalized, and could be subject to change. Our thanks to reader Danielle Cheever for taking the time to email us, and make sure we were aware of this info.
    Drop Dead Diva - 'The Complete Series' Set is Scheduled by Sony for Spring *CORRECTED*
    Every season will be available together in early May
    For each of the past five summers (in May or June), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has released a season set of the show (although the fifth season was a manufacture-on-demand title, not sold in stores). Now, on May 5th, the studio has scheduled a DVD release for Drop Dead Diva - The Complete Series, bringing all five seasons together for the first time. Cost is $95.99 SRP, according to Amazon's pre-order listing. No other information is available yet, but we do have package art for you at this time; see it below! Stay tuned for updates.
    CORRECTION: we made a mistake in the write-up above, stating that there were only 5 seasons aired of Drop Dead Diva, when there were actually 6 seasons broadcast. We assume all six seasons will be included in a DVD set titled "The Complete Series," but we have no actual information from Sony themselves about this item yet...only the info and artwork provided at Amaozn's pre-order listing. No listing has been found at Amazon, nor info anywhere else, so far about a DVD set for Season 6. We assume one is on the way, but nothing has been announced or listed. Stay tuned! Our thanks to one of our readers, "Mark," for pointing out the error to us.

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