Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Shadows of
Part 9
It was ten in the morning,
and Marisol had spent her morning looking for something suitable to wear to
Sonny and Kate’s wedding, having reviewed what she had brought with her and
not satisfied with what she had found.
She went to every store in
Port Charles, and just when she was beginning to weary of her search, which
was surprising, since she usually loved shopping, especially for clothes and
accessories, she saw the perfect thing...
It was a vintage tea gown of
deep rose satin, with a lace overlay of a lighter rose color, and a kerchief
hem. She selected matching accessories and soon was on her way back to her
hotel suite.
When she passed by Kelly’s
Diner on the waterfront, she stopped walking, and on sheer impulse, went
in, intent on having a cup of warm spiced tea.
Jasper Jacks was sitting at
the counter inside, enjoying a cup of said tea himself and was reading the
morning’s financial news in the day’s issue of The Wall Street Journal. But
he was not so intent upon his reading that he failed to notice the lovely
Marisol as she walked in and seated herself at a table beside one of the
windows overlooking the waterfront.
As she was served and began
to sip her tea quietly, Jax’s shadow fell over her table, and he asked, “May
I join you?”
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Page updated 9/1/12