Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Shadows of
Part 10
Marisol looked up from her tea and smiled
at the handsome blond stranger in front of her, a little surprised that a
man she didn't know would be asking to share her table. Then a shadow of
recognition crossed her face, and she said in an animated tone, "You're...
you're Jasper Jacks, aren't you?"
Jax cleared his throat and bowed elegantly.
"That would be correct. May I?"
"Yes, of course," she said, gesturing to the
seat across the table from her. "I'm---", she began...
"I know who you are as well, Marisol. I may
call you Marisol, may I not?", he asked, fixing his gorgeous blue eyes on
her in his most irresistible fashion.
"By all means," she said drily.
"You are an up and coming writer, and you
are also the half-sister of Sonny Corinthos."
"How…..HOW do you know that?!" Marisol hissed
at him, suddenly angry.
"I make it my business to stay ahead of the
game in terms of information," Jax answered.
"What game would that be?" she snapped back
at him.
He raised an eyebrow at her, then grinned.
"The very best kind. One I'm going to win."
"I'll keep that in mind," Marisol retorted,
then added, "Awfully sure of yourself, aren't you, Mr. Jacks? Of course, I
guess it comes with the territory for corporate raiders, doesn't it?"
"My, my, such acid!", Jax commented drily.
"Don't you even want to hear the rules of the game before you say no?"
Marisol's eyes narrowed, and she looked at
him shrewdly. "I guess maybe I do," she said, and grinned, sitting before
him with her arms crossed expectantly. "I have every confidence that you'll
make sure that I like what I hear," she told him, smiling again.
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Page updated 4/23/13