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The General Hospital Fan Fiction Page

Fun General Hospital Stories!

"Shadows of Adela"
Part 11
By Camille

"Oh, I think you’ll like my plan well enough when you’ve heard it. Just give me a chance," Jax said, as he ordered another cup of spiced tea for the both of them.

"Start talking," Marisol said, her arms crossed.

"Come to Sonny and Kate’s wedding with me," he said.

"Why? Are you a friend of Sonny’s?" she wanted to know.

A lazy grin crossed Jax’s face. "Hardly. A frenemy, perhaps. You and I would have the element of surprise on our side, and I have a sense that you know how to make an entrance when the situation calls for it."

"Maybe," she grinned back at him.

"I can’t think of a better way to pay Sonny back than to show up with his sister on my arm. Don’t tell me you don’t have visions of revenge yourself after how he’s treated you."

"Yeah," Marisol said, under her breath. She sat  there silently for a few moments, and then uncrossed her arms. "All right, I’ve thought about it, and it’s a date. I’ll go to the wedding with you. We’ll stand Port Charles on its ear……or at least Sonny!"

After their tea and planning was finished, Jax dropped Marisol off at her hotel room at the Port Charles Hotel.

"I’ll pick you up at four for the wedding. Dress for adventure," Jax said.

"Count on it," she responded, closing the door behind her.

At 3:45 the next afternoon, Jax appeared to escort Marisol to the wedding. Jax looked debonair in a black tux, and Marisol beautiful and so like Adela in her rose satin gown….

They sat in the back row of the church, so as not to attract attention from either Sonny or Kate. The reveal of Marisol and Jax would come at the reception….

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