Edward Quartermaine - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Edward Louis Quartermaine

Played by David Lewis, Jed Allan and John Ingle

Edward is the patriarch of the Quartermaine family. He was married to his wife, Lila, for many years until her death. They had two children, Alan and Tracy. Edward also had a few children out of wedlock, including Jimmy Lee Holt and Justus Ward. Their family likes to bicker a lot, but they do all love each other. Edward had a lot of trouble expressing his love to his family.

The Quartermaines run a large business conglomerate and have a large mansion with many servants. Edward is retired, and Tracy runs the business. Alan is deceased. His wife, Monica, owns the mansion now, but she lets the rest of the family live in it. Most of the children are dead or moved away. Jason Morgan, Alan and Monica son, works for gangster Sonny and doesn't have much to do with Edward or the rest of the family. Edward's grandson, Michael, is close to Jason and Sonny but still visits the Quartermaine mansion.

Edward usually acts like a curmudgeon. He is grouchy to most people. He has a long-term heart problem, so he takes medication for that. He has been known to fake a heart attack when it is useful. For many years, he used his family's wealth and power to keep them out of trouble as well as to make more money and get more power. He often used that wealth and power against his own children, to motivate them to do his bidding. He seldom agrees with the choices his family makes, particularly in marriage.

Edward and his family first showed up in Port Charles in 1978, and they have been around ever since. Edward usually does not have story of his own but is involved in the stories of his family and their friends. In 2004, after Lila died, he married Heather Webber. She just wanted his money, and tried to kill him when she didn't get it. Edward was also on jury duty for Johnny Zacchara's trial for the murder of Logan Hayes. Edward was shown to have a girlfriend, Deidre, when they went to the Metro Court bar for a drink. Andrea Floyd poisoned Edward's drink there, which caused him to have a heart attack and run his car into a carnival. He survived, but Andrea was killed.

Edward spends most of his time these days in his mansion, griping to Tracy, Monica, or Alice.

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